সোমবার, ১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Microsoft Boosts Security at Xbox HQ to New Level

Microsoft Boosts Security at Xbox HQ to New Level

It appears that at least some of the rumors making the rounds about the next-gen Xbox must have hit pretty close to the mark. Microsoft is reported to be beefing up its security around the Xbox development area on the Redmond campus to insure the secrets of the new Xbox stay within the walls of the Xbox headquarters.

It?s the first time Microsoft has taken this step on such a broad scale. The move represents a cultural shift, giving Microsoft?s key consumer products a level of security more along the lines of those implemented by Apple.


Posted by Al 6:07 PM (DST)??

Source: http://www.hardocp.com/news/2012/09/29/microsoft_boosts_security_at_xbox_hq_to_new_level/

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