রবিবার, ১৪ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

B2B Appointment Setting: Why Should You Outsource? [Infographic ...

Have you ever thought about outsourcing your b2b marketing practices to third party service providers? Ever experienced getting outside help for your b2b appointment setting campaigns? Did you get good results from it?

The following infographic tells us about the wonders of using third party aid for setting business appointments.

appointment setting

Let us take a look at the data that the infographic has provided us a bit further.

First off, we can see that 83 percent of the respondents from the 300 executives that the Deloitte Consulting company has surveyed had reported a 25 percent increase in ROI upon getting outside services for their b2b marketing campaign.

Furthermore, among the 300 people who have joined in the survey 89 percent have stated that outsourcing had enabled them to met their sales and revenue goals.

The main question is that how can third party help for b2b appointment setting can be such a great aid for the company?

Today?s brand of b2b telemarketing companies are known to continuously refine their marketing practices. Telemarketers are being trained on a constant basis to discover their hidden talents in creating suitable interests from targeted prospects.

Additionally, outbound call centers can offer specific pricing schemes to aid even small-and-medium enterprises in generating qualified sales leads and business appointments. For example, let us delve into a more specific term ? the pay per call telemarketing program.

Through this payment scheme, call center clients are able to convey a more cost efficient method in generating business leads and setting appointments. Contact firms under this payment scheme price their calls at around 1 to 2 USD; thus making it an obvious choice for many for lead generation and appointment setting.

There are other third party service payment programs out there such as pay per lead and pay per appointment. However, these two schemes work on a commission basis; meaning cold callers will not get paid until they deliver the requirements for the campaign.

Choose wisely in getting outsourced services for your campaign as it will decide the fate of the success of your b2b marketing course.

Source: http://www.business2community.com/b2b-perspective/b2b-appointment-setting-why-should-you-outsource-infographic-0304636

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