মঙ্গলবার, ৯ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Shamed Animal Pictures, Photos of Pets with Shameful Signs | Teen ...

by: Brie Hiramine on | in Cuteness Report |

Dogshaming has been pretty popular around the web, so obviously people have been extending that honor to other animals as well. There is just something so freakin? adorable (and also, maybe a little mean?) about dogs and cats and rabbits and guinea pigs looking remorseful (or not) on the Internet. We?ve rounded up some LOL-worthy shamed animals ? including the classic, dogs! ? just for your amusement.

True for everyone.

Pet Shaming

Beaten by a mouse! Feel the shame.


Simple and straightforward. Also a little awk, if you have feet.

Pet Shaming

We all have that one friend.

Tumblr (guineapigshame)

At least his chosen mate is very, very cute.

Shame Your Pet

?My food! Mine!?


Look into those eyes? Now look away? OH WAIT, YOU CAN?T.


Or even worse? the couch.

Bunny Shaming

Don?t worry, it happens.

Tumblr (guineapigshame)

The black bar hides so much and, yet, so little.

Tumblr (petshaming)

Tagged: Cute Animals

Source: http://www.teen.com/2012/10/08/im-bored/cuteness-report/shamed-animal-pet-pictures/

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