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SEO Web Hosting | Internet Home Business Ideas

Web hosting has evolved so much in the past several years. Before, you can host multiple websites on a single IP address alone. As the technology progresses, new and innovative ways have been developed to further enhance the services provided by hosting companies.

With typical web hosting services, you are only allowed to make use of a single IP address for all your websites. This does not help your website rank on top of the search results page like the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing because if you use each one of the websites hosted on a single IP address to create links between them, search engines will regard as totally related sites. As a result, your website will get filtered and it will not be placed on top of search engines results page, thus, killing the websites online presence.

With SEO web hosting, a business owner or a webmaster can host multiple websites under unique C Class IP addresses. Through SEO hosting, you can create a network of links between your websites without the search engines finding out. Consequently, your website get awarded with high rankings on the search results page.

The existing speculation is that, how the search engines rank websites depend on the number of high quality links under unique IP addresses pointing to a particular website. As mentioned before, SEO hosting gives you this advantage over typical web hosting services.

This is the idea behind SEO web hosting. The current assumption is that major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing honor top search ranking to a website when there are many websites that link to it. And the websites that link to it should come from different and unique C Class IP address.

SEO web hosting is a revolutionary technology because you can host multiple websites across multiple and unique IP addresses and domain name servers too. By creating a network of links, you can guarantee the success of your business because its online presence will definitely be greater than before.

SEO hosting can definitely boost your business? online presence. Online presence means profitability because you get to market and advertise your products and people definitely will become aware that your website do exists.

SEO Host companies provide website hosting seo packages to help business owners stay ahead of the competition. Through SEO hosting, you can manage and be in charge of multiple websites hosted on different IP addresses.

For more information...

website hosting seo

Source: http://homebusinesswinners.com/blog/4777/seo-web-hosting/

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