শনিবার, ২০ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

What does the TCSA Quality Framework have to do with the Texas ...

Web-based tools and resources such as those found in the TCSA Quality Framework online portal are an excellent start to matching member-identified needs. However, TCSA also seeks to provide tools, resources, and information through a variety of products and member services, such as live and web-based trainings and workshops. Those live trainings and workshops, of course, include conference sessions at the annual Texas Charter Schools Conference.
So, what does the TCSA Quality Framework have to do with the Texas Charter Schools Conference? Once again, here?s a short answer: Everything. Each and every conference session in every single strand will be connected to at least one System of the Quality Framework. In addition, there are two Quality Framework-specific strandsin the 2012 conference schedule: Continuous Improvement and Best Practices.

Quality Framework Continuous Improvement Strand
For new charters, or those new to TCSA, the Quality and Continuous Improvement strand will provide introductions to the Quality Framework Self-Assessment, Reports, and Resources. This strand will even feature time and space for school leaders to complete and submit the Self-Assessment and access the Quality Framework Reports and Data Pack at the conference. We?ll talk more about each of the sessions in the Continuous Improvement strand in a few weeks.

Quality Framework Best Practices Strand
Of course, all of the conference sessions will present best and effective practices, tools, resources, and strategies. But the Quality Framework Best Practices strand was developed directly from member requests or in response to Quality Framework Results and Comparative Reports data. This week, we begin to explore one of the Best Practices Strand sessions and how we came to identify the topic as a member-driven need.

Using Quality Framework Data to Schedule Conference Sessions
Many of our conference sessions have come about after an analysis of aggregated data of the Quality Framework Results Reports. Simply put, if there is a single indicator, or a group of related indicators for which many schools responded that their current levels of effectiveness were ?Not Evident? or ?Early Effective?, we have scheduled a conference work session to help provide information that would help schools increase their levels of effectiveness. One such indicator is probably familiar to many of you: ?Board conducts self-evaluations.? Sixty (60) charter leadership teams have indicated that their board does not currently conduct self-evaluations.

Comparative Report and Results Distribution for ?Board conducts self-evaluations? Indicator

In response, TCSA is working with Marci Cornell-Feist, of The High Bar, an organization that provides training, tools, and a online networking community to charter leaders and board members across the nation, to present the following session:

Using Board Self-Evaluation to Assess and Improve Board Performance
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
1:00pm ? 2:15pm
Learn how charter school board members can take goal setting and performance management to their own leadership level. Presenter: Marci Cornell-Feist, The High Bar

In this session, school leaders and board members will come away with an understanding why self- evaluation, goal setting, and performance management at the highest leadership level?the board?is crucial to the success of the school and its students. Most important, board members and leaders will learn how to get started on implementing a performance management plan when they return to their local school community.

Starting with this conference session, TCSA seeks to provide tools and resources that will offer charter school leaders the information they need to implement a board evaluation process and be able to say with confidence the next time they submit the Quality Framework that the level of effectiveness on this indicator has increased to ?Effective? or even ?Model?. Other sessions that have been scheduled as a result of an analysis of aggregated Quality Framework data include: Community Outreach and Strategic Partnerships, and Increasing Student Enrollment.

To see more sessions in the Quality Framework Best Practices strand, visit the 2012 Texas Charter Schools Conference schedule.

Next week, learn about how TCSA responds not just to data, but also to member feedback around the Quality Framework reports to seek and provide best practices, tools, and strategies. Register for the 2012 Texas Charter Schools Conference today.

If you are new to TCSA and the Quality Framework and have not yet submitted a Self-Assessment, email the Quality Framework team for an introduction on how to get started.



Source: http://txcharterschools.org/blog/2012/10/19/what-does-the-tcsa-quality-framework-have-to-do-with-the-texas-charter-schools-conference/

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1 টি মন্তব্য:

  1. I made $20 for each 20 minute survey!

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