শুক্রবার, ১৯ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Rep. Todd Akin raises $1.6 million for Senate bid

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Missouri Rep. Todd Akin raised about $1.6 million for his Senate bid in the months after Republican Party officials sought to distance themselves from his comments on "legitimate rape," according to his filings with the Federal Election Commission.

Akin's third quarter fundraising report, which includes donations from mid-July through the end of September, shows he spent almost every dollar he raised and had about $553,000 cash on hand at the end of the period. His opponent, Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill, raised $5.5 million in the same time period, with about $2.1 million on hand.

McCaskill outspent Akin $6.9 million to $1.6 million during the period and appears likely to significantly outspend him through Election Day, based on their remaining cash.

Akin's campaign sought to put a positive light on its financial gap. McCaskill "is outspending our campaign by at least 7 to 1, yet she is losing," said Akin campaign adviser Rick Tyler.

That assertion is debatable. Although Akin points to polling showing him slightly ahead, McCaskill has pointed to other polls showing her comfortably ahead.

McCaskill spokeswoman Caitlin Legacki said the donations prove she has the money and support needed to win.

"Over the past three months, Claire has seen an incredible outpouring of support from families from across Missouri and across the country who have given whatever they can because she's a proven fighter for common sense values like protecting Medicare and Social Security and keeping federal student loans," she said.

Akin's quarterly report includes at least a portion of time when he was still being embraced by national Republicans. Before he came under fire for comments during an interview with a Missouri TV station, Akin was viewed as one of the Republicans' best prospects for unseating an incumbent. Afterward, Akin was nearly universally rebuked by Republicans and several groups, including the National Republican Senatorial Committee, announced that they would not spend any money supporting him.

After it become clear that Akin would not leave the race, several prominent Republicans -- including former Missouri Sen. Kit Bond and current Sen. Roy Blunt -- said they will support him and hope he wins, despite earlier calling for him to leave the race. Republicans need to net four seats to take back the Senate.

Separately on Thursday, the FEC posted a letter to Akin's campaign questioning about $27,000 in donations between February and March of 2012. The FEC said it wants to insure that several donations, including some from limited liability corporations, are legal. Certain types of LLCs are allowed to give to campaigns. Akin's campaign must either respond to the letter or return the donations, but no action is required until Nov. 20, well after Election Day.


Associated Press writer David A. Lieb contributed to this report from Clayton, Mo.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/rep-todd-akin-raises-1-6-million-senate-201925740--election.html

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