বুধবার, ১৭ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Is the Family Dying? ? Early Retirement Extreme Forums

I don't find an increasing number of childless adults to be alarming.

The idea that the "family" has always been the Norman Rockwell ideal is not true. It has changed throughout history as necessary. Most tribes were essentially all mothers and fathers to every kid in the tribe and would have been aghast at 2 parents and 3 or more kids as their own completely seperate unit.

The Silent Generation and the Boomers all had families and that did nothing to prevent the rise of short-term thinking and selfishness. It was this era that created a villian who became a hero with his saying, "Greed is good."

We could also look at the decision to not have children as a completely unselfish act. With the world becoming increasingly crowded it might be considered a sacrifice to not have kids.

"Washington D.C. has one of the highest percentages of women who do not live with children, some 70%."

As some one who lives in DC, this is kind of misleading. First, is it just DC or the DC area? As with many places, families move to the suburbs and the DC area has some of the nicest suburbs in the country, which attract plenty of families.

Also, there is a large portion of the population who comes here to work right out of college and then leaves after 3-5 years. These people are not here to get married. They are here to get experience and to socialize. Many them leave to go back to their home towns, which suggests they are "settling down." But, that means that while here they are not interested in getting married.

I agree that there is a trend toward more childless adults, but I find it hard to believe that selfishness will increase due to this choice. How much more can it increase?

Source: http://forum.earlyretirementextreme.com/topic.php?id=2911

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