Torquay ward candidates reveal a bit about themselves and their plans for the ward, in ballot paper order. Compiled by James Taylor.

Eve Fisher
Eve Fisher
Town of residence:
Jan Juc.
How long have you lived in Surf Coast Shire?
10 years.
What is your involvement with the local community?
I?m involved with Surf Coast Energy Group, Plastic Bag Free Torquay, Farm Gate Foods, Homeless Hounds Rescue and promoting local musicians.
Have you run for council before, been a councillor or represented any level of government?
Are you/have you been a member of a political party? If so, which one? If not, with what party do you most identify?
The Greens.
Who will you direct your preferences to?
Graeme Stockton, David Bell, Merrin Wake, Rose Hodge and Maurice Cole.
What is your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support from any group?
My campaign budget is about $3000. The Greens support all candidates in Victoria with the nomination payment and a further $500. The rest is raised through fundraising and through my own contribution.
What are the most important issues for Torquay ward?
The town needs a fixed boundary. Bellbrae doesn?t want to be part of Torquay any more than Torquay wants to be part of Geelong. We need to establish a covenant quickly. We also need to push renewable energy initiatives and reduce rates.
What are the most important issues for Surf Coast Shire?
We need to reduce rates,?bolster services for those living in country areas ? particularly public transport ? and I?d like to see the shire carbon neutral in the next five years.

Merrin Wake
Merrin Wake
Town of residence:
Jan Juc.
Paediatric nurse/health education consultant.
How long have you lived in Surf Coast Shire?
Almost 10 years.
What is your involvement with the local community?
I have spent the last 10 years being an active member of our community in many roles from school councillor, President of Parents and Friends, kinder committees, coordinating the Torquay College Easter fete, running the toy library, committee for International Women?s Day, Torquay North Children?s hub, Surf Coast Aquatic Leisure Centre Action Group, planting and revegetation projects, community gardens, Save Spring Creek campaign, social media campaigns and many more. My focus has been to build smaller community partnerships so to gain a better understanding of the needs of our community.
Have you run for council before, been a councillor or represented any level of government?
No, I have not run for local government before. I worked with all levels of government in the UK when I worked as a consultant in the health and disability sector. I have experience in lobbying state and federal governments for funding for small and large projects through funding grants and project submissions.
Are you/have you been a member of a political party? If so, which one? If not, with what party do you most identify?
I am not and have never been a member of any political party. I do not identify with any particular party and vote according to the issues of the time.
Who will you direct your preferences to?
My preferences are as demonstrated on the VEC website.
What is your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support from any group?
Besides a small amount of fundraising from individual people I am self-funding my campaign.
What are the most important issues for Torquay ward?
I see the most important issue for the Torquay ward as accessibility and accountability. We are in incredibly important and changing times and the pressure of our community to ?get it right? is huge. I believe this can only be done through a council that is accessible to all and accountable and transparent in every decision it makes. Early childhood infrastructure such as kinders, childcare and preschool development services. Greater accessibility to GP and allied health services. An aquatic centre. A cultural precinct at Surf World. Health and wellbeing of our ageing population, including the need for mental health assessment and community partnership building. Accessible education for all with? completion of the secondary school, another primary school in Torquay North as well as alternative education pathways. Better public transport services. A youth centre as well as stronger partnerships with the wider regional youth sector
What are the most important issues for Surf Coast Shire?
I believe the most important issue for the shire as a whole is accessibility and accountability of council. The process of council should be led by community partnerships and not by policy driven bureaucracy and political party lines. Whether it be planning, environmental, infrastructure, community services or any other issue the need for respect is the most important issue. Respect for the residents and ever growing population, respect for the economic pressures of families, respect for the environmental importance and indigenous culture of our land, as well as respect for what the needs and wants of our whole community. This can be done by building stronger community partnerships and stepping aside from politics.

Dean Webster
Dean Webster
Town of residence:
How long have you lived in Surf Coast Shire?
21 years.
What is your involvement with the local community?
In my early years in Torquay, before I was a councillor, I was a community representative on the Environment and Rural Advisory Committees and the Planning Committee. I also provided practical skills based training for the long-term unemployed while working on re-vegetation and farm projects.?I helped found the Torquay Community Enterprise that I currently chair and we fund various community initiatives as well as helping out people in need. I was also a part of the founding team for Surf Coast Energy Group with the original aim of establishing a community wind farm similar to the Hepburn model.
Have you run for council before, been a councillor or represented any level of government?
Yes, I was first elected in 2004 and again in 2008 serving a stint as mayor in both terms.
Are you/have you been a member of a political party? If so, which one? If not, with what party do you most identify?
Not a member, and have never been a member of any political party and truly believe that in local government the wishes of our community should take priority over the policies and pressures of party politics.
Who will you direct your preferences to?
People who have shown they put the community first over personal and political agendas, not single issue, and can represent our community in a professional manner.
What is your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support from any group?
The first time I stood, I spent a lot of money. Since then, I have benefited from experience and now that we have gone to a ward system, I am budgeting for about $2,500. I am not receiving financial support from any group.
What are the most important issues for Torquay ward?
Torquay is in need of an aquatic facility, preferably co-located with the proposed indoor sports centre in the Torquay North Community Recreation Precinct. A new Torquay North Children Services Hub/Kindergarten is a high priority to support growing families, and a dedicated arts and culture precinct with theatre is overdue. We also need to protect our natural environment and ensure that Bells Beach remains ?Naturally Bells?.
What are the most important issues for Surf Coast Shire?
More efficient rate management, improved community facilities, services, public transport and protection of green buffers.

Graeme Stockton
Graeme Stockton
Town of residence:
Ecological horticulture.
How long have you lived in Surf Coast Shire?
11 years.
What is your involvement with the local community?
Chairperson Surfers Appreciating Natural Environment, committee member Jan Juc Coast Action, Founder of Surf Coast Energy Group.
Have you run for council before, been a councillor or represented any level of government?
No, a reluctant first time.
Are you/have you been a member of a political party? If so, which one? If not, with what party do you most identify?
I am endorsed by the Victorian Greens Party.
Who will you direct your preferences to?
Eve Fisher is my first preference vote. Eve is very smart and offers?a young, enthusiastic?energy and insight?to the council.
What is your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support from any group?
I?ve received assistance from the Greens through local fundraising events and have contributed?$1000 myself to promote the message in my campaign.
What are the most important issues for Torquay?ward?
Conventional growth is is seen as sacrosanct in today?s global society.?Yet, I think it?s important that people, our community consciously and collectively grapple with what it means to be?prosperous in the 21st century. Ask yourself,?does prosperity look like the Armstrong Creek development? Is that kind of growth sustainable or even desirable? What are the drivers of climate change and alarming biodiversity loss here and overseas???I believe local government, along with an active community can achieve outcomes previously thought to be beyond our reach. The Stand up for Spring Creek and Save Bells Beach campaigns are two great starting points along that road, and the seeds of inspiration in my candidacy for?the Torquay ward.
What are the most important issues for Surf Coast Shire?
Proposed changes to the planning act by the State Government that relaxes land use controls and at the same time?introduces a Bushfire Management Overlay that overrides the Neighbourhood Character Overlay will be important for people all along the Great Ocean Road to understand. Changes such as these will see a demonstrable change to the immediate landscape including?increased?impact on the ecological function and integrity of those areas. In the longer term, human-induced climate change is the single biggest?threat- to everything- everywhere.

Brian McKiterick
Brian McKiterick
Town of residence:
I have been the Officer in Charge of the Torquay Police Station for 10 years and have been involved in emergency management planning including wildfire and flood planning for the Surf Coast Shire.
How long have you lived in Surf Coast Shire?
I?have resided in the Torquay/Jan Juc area for 19 years having moved to Jan Juc from Melbourne in 1993.
What is your involvement with the local community?
I have been heavily involved in the local community and have been active on several community committees including the Schoolies Working Group, Neighbourhood Watch, Surf Coast Tourism Board, Torquay Community Enterprise, Bell Street Fiesta and the Municipal Emergency Management Committee.
Have you run for council before, been a councillor or represented any level of government?
This has been my first term on the council and I am the mayor of the Surf Coast Shire.
Are you/have you been a member of a political party? If so, which one? If not, with what party do you most identify?
I have no political affiliations and as a Councillor and particularly as Mayor I have engaged with representatives of the mainstream political parties at both state and federal levels advocating for support and funding for the local community.
Who will you direct your preferences to?
Gary Dunne, Rose Hodge and Dean Webster.
What is your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support from any group?
I am not receiving financial support and use my own financial resources to support my campaign.
What are the most important issues for Torquay ward?
The development of a kindergarten in Torquay North and the extension of the Jan Juc Kindergarten. Ensuring the preservation of our coastal environment and sustainable development including the Naturally Bells program. Continue development of the Torquay North sporting precinct including the realisation of an Aquatic Centre, ?additional sporting ovals and an indoor sports centre. The visioning of a?Surf?City precinct including an arts centre and the realisation of the redevelopment of the Gilbert Street Shopping precinct to ensure the area is capable of servicing the ever increasing ?influx of visitors to our town centre.
What are the most important issues for Surf Coast Shire?
For the shire to retain its identity as a united shire to ensure recognition from other levels of government as a shire of regional significance. Other significant priorities are the sound management of tourism to ensure greater benefits for retailers and tourism operators and the preservation of this unique environment.

Rose Hodge
Rose Hodge
Town of residence:
Jan Juc.
Partner in a bricklaying business. Mother.
How long have you lived in Surf Coast Shire?
Parents built in Jan Juc in 1965 and I have lived here since I finished uni in 1979.
What is your involvement with the local community?
Life member of the Torquay Netball club, ex-president of the Jan Juc kinder, been on the committee of Torquay Cricket Club, Spring Creek Community House. School Council of Barwon Valley Special school, Board member of Gateways Disability Services. Member of Rural Australians for Refugees.
Have you run for council before, been a councillor or represented any level of government?
Yes I was elected to the Surf Coast Shire in 2004, re-elected in 2008 and mayor in 2007.
Are you/have you been a member of a political party? If so, which one? If not, with what party do you most identify?
Yes, the ALP (unendorsed).
Who will you direct your preferences to?
Dean, Brian, Gary and Eve,
What is your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support from any group?
I was hoping around the $1,500 mark but it is creeping over that, yet to see final costs for printing, ads, signage, and postage. I have never received any funding from the party or funding from any individual/group.
What are the most important issues for Torquay ward?
Three important infrastructure needs: another kinder, this is an absolute must; an arts space for a designated theatre (hoping to combine a cinema) and a gallery for our artists; and the progress of an aquatic centre, strong savings and lobbying will need to be done and all to understand the process. Continuation of the civic precinct project and the completion of Stages 2 and 3.
What are the most important issues for Surf Coast Shire?
Protecting the townships and their amenity, all unique in their own way, listing of the needs of each area, improving the liveability such as improving infrastructure and services. Being aware of community needs, supporting our volunteers. It?s critical we work well with State and Federal politicians to ensure funding for projects. Be aware of any changes in planning zones which may be detrimental to our planning. Heading into summer another bushfire period, to work with agencies to ensure we achieve best protection.

David Bell
David Bell
Town of residence:
Manager, Torquay Central Farmers Market, organic farmer.
How long have you lived in Surf Coast Shire?
My partner, Traci and our two sons aged 11 and 16 and I have lived in Bellbrae for nine years. My family has owned a house in Fairhaven since the late 1970s after many years of staying with friends or renting during the summers.
What is your involvement with the local community?
I am president of Bellbrae Primary School Council and manage Torquay Central Farmers Market. I was part of the Surf Coast Secondary College Planning Committee and VP of first School Council. We are members of Jan Juc SLSC. I am a founding member of the Bellbrae Residents Association.? I was spokesperson for Speak Up For Spring Creek. I was a founding member of the Victorian Organic Industry Committee. A former U10 and U12 Torquay junior cricket coach.
Have you run for council before, been a councillor or represented any level of government?
I have not been a councillor or represented any level of government.
Are you/have you been a member of a political party? If so, which one? If not, with what party do you most identify?
I have never been a member of any political party. I have become increasingly disillusioned with all the major political parties and the rise of the career politician and focus on staying in power as a primary objective. If push comes to shove I describe my views as left of centre with a green bias.
Who will you direct your preferences to?
I have directed my preferences to people who I believe have similar views on the way the council should operate. A commitment to open and transparent decision making with meaningful consultation with the community, we could have avoided much of the confrontation we have seen over the last four years had there been open sharing of plans and information with the community and a willingness to accommodate the community views.
What is your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support from any group?
I have allowed $1000 or thereabouts for my campaign. I am self-funded, and have not and will not solicit any funds to support my campaign. I believe once you accept funds from others you have started to compromise your integrity.
What are the most important issues for Torquay ward?
I have said publicly that first and foremost I will be a councillor for the Surf Coast and second a contact point for the community that lives in the Torquay ward. I would be disappointed if the ward system leads to a shifting round of alliances to seek a greater share of the cake for one ward or another. For me the most important issue for the community of Torquay is the rapid growth that is taking place. The pressure that has been placed upon the physical and social infrastructure is enormous. There is a pressing need for social infrastructure, a leisure and aquatic centre with? community health facilities included,? dedicated performing arts spaces and a range of early childhood facilities. These needs also exist in the smaller communities of the shire and it will require councillors of all wards to work together to achieve equitable results.
What are the most important issues for Surf Coast Shire?
The pressure that is placed on the communities of the coast by the influx of population and the tourism industry. The inland parts of the shire face different pressures, loss of population, and declining farm incomes and farm employment. There is also the need to address the effect of climate change, and planning for the known and unknown changes must start.

Gary Dunne
Gary Dunne
Town of residence:
Self-employed management consultant.
How long have you lived in Surf Coast Shire?
18 years this month.
What is your involvement with the local community?
Over the past year, my major community involvement has been supporting my wife as Head Cub Leader of the First Torquay Scout Group. In 2000, on behalf of my then-employer Rip Curl, I initiated an award-winning annual collaborative environmental exercise, involving Torquay and Jan Juc Coast Action Groups, Surfers Appreciating Nature Environments, Friends of Point Addis, Parks Victoria, the Great Ocean Road Coast Committee and the Surf Coast Shire. Initially called the Rip Curl Big Days Out, in 2009 the name changed to Rip Curl Planet Days. Between 2000 and 2011, I coordinated the exercise each Spring, primarily resulting in more than 80,000 indigenous seedlings being successfully planted by Rip Curl employees in foreshore areas from Point Impossible to Southside Bells, along with significant weed removal, mulching and some landscaping. Also during my Rip Curl employment, I was Rip Curl Pro media director each Easter for more than a decade, actively helping promote the Surf Coast worldwide.
Have you run for council before, been a councillor or represented any level of government?
Are you/have you been a member of a political party? If not, with what party do you most identify?
No. As a voter, I?ve always considered issues and policies first, voting according to whoever I felt was best placed to serve in public office. At times in my 34-year working life, I have been a member of trade unions, so clearly the Labor Party is the Australian political party that I more strongly identify with.
Who will you direct your preferences to?
Rose Hodge, Dean Webster, Brian McKiterick, Merrin Wake, David Bell, Eve Fisher, Graeme Stockton, Martin Duke and Joe Remenyi.
What is your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support from any group?
Whatever my wife and I agree I can spend. No.
What are the most important issues for Torquay ward?
To me, the most important issues for Torquay ward and the rest of the Surf Coast Shire are identical. First, developing a seriously long-term (at least 25 years) master plan to manage future development in the shire, focused first and foremost on what the current residents and ratepayers believe should happen and at what pace. Second, As residents and ratepayers, living up to our responsibilities to ourselves and future generations to ensure council maintains its service delivery on this shire in absolutely open, fully accountable and truly democratic ways.
What are the most important issues for Surf Coast Shire?
See above.

Joe Remenyi
Joe Remenyi
Town of residence:
How long have you lived in Surf Coast Shire?
Since 1978.
What is your involvement with the local community?
Councillor, Torquay SLSC, Torquay Football Club, St Therese Community.
Have you run for council before, been a councillor or represented any level of government?
Yes, I am an incumbent councillor.
Are you/have you been a member of a political party? If so, which one? If not, with what party do you most identify?
Yes, Liberal.
Who will you direct your preferences to?
David Bell, Martin Duke, Graham Stockton, Merrin Wake.
What is your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support from any group?
Small. No.
What are the most important issues for Torquay ward?
Position the council to take advantage of our leverage in marginal State and Federal electorates to deliver infrastructure needs beyond the financial capacity of ratepayers, such as an aquatic/hydrotherapy centre, an early childhood development kindergarten hub, a respite centre for the disabled and carers associated with a sports academy and an environment education and bike/recreation facility for Grass Tree Park.
What are the most important issues for Surf Coast Shire?
Share decision making with the community through open, transparent and accountable Council procedures that give Shire communities, clubs, societies, sporting groups and business leaders a real say in shire/ward spending and priority setting. Continue to improve the financial soundness of the council through open and responsible budgeting and debt management, conservative borrowing policies, needs-based council services delivery and socially sensitive rating policies.

Martin Duke
Martin Duke
Town of residence:
At Surf Sight Optical for 22 years, now a presenter with CFA.
How long have you lived in Surf Coast Shire?
22 years.
What is your involvement with the local community?
President of Torquay Commerce and Tourism for five years. Surf Coast Tourism Board for four years. A CFA volunteer for more than 20 years. 1st Torquay Scouts committee for 10 years.
Have you run for council before, been a councillor or represented any level of government?
Have never been on council before.
Are you/have you been a member of a political party? If so, which one? If not, with what party do you most identify?
Am not and never been a member of any political party, and am a swinging voter.
Who will you direct your preferences to?
Joe Remenyi, Merrin Wake,?Dean Webster, Brian McKiterick, David Bell.
What is your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support from any group?
My campaign budget is $1000 ? my own money. I have not asked or been offered any financial assistance.
What are the most important issues for Torquay ward?
For?Torquay to continue on with the work of the last council:?planning for a sustainable, liveable Torquay. Being mindful that our population is going to continue increasing?and will need infrastructure which would include things like an aquatic centre,?a theatre and childcare centres.
What are the most important issues for Surf Coast Shire?
The most important issue for the new council will be to work together for the benefit of all the shire and not worry about ward boundaries and to be open and accountable. To be focused on what counts ? our community.

Maurice Cole
Maurice Cole
Town of residence:
Jan Juc/Torquay.
Surfboard designer/shaper/surfer.
How long have you lived in Surf Coast Shire?
40 years.
What is your involvement with the local community?
President of Bells Beach Preservation Society, internationally renowned surfer/shaper, founder of Surf Rider, conservationist.
Have you run for council before, been a councillor or represented any level of government?
Are you/have you been a member of a political party? If so, which one? If not, with what party do you most identify?
No. I identify with Labor and the Greens.
Who will you direct your preferences to?
Eve Fisher, David Bell, Graeme Stockton, Merrin Wake, Gary Dunne, Martin Duke, Joe Remnyi, Rose Hodge, Brian McKiterick, Dean Webster.
What is your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support from any group?
The BBPS has paid my election registration, and we have no budget for a campaign.
What are the most important issues for Torquay ward?
The Save Bells Beach campaign has highlighted that this council has not listened to the non-commercial stakeholders in trying to stop buses from using Bells commercially. The shire has spent in excess of $1 million dollars catering for the commercialisation of Bells, with now only four licenses being issued with an income of $20,000 per annum. This has been an enormous waste of public money and time and resources from the community groups who opposed the buses, knowing that once the buses were asked for $1.10 to come they would not. Also in this campaign, the council disrespected the local surfing culture by saying we were a fringe element, vandals and making misleading statements? not acceptable.
What are the most important issues for Surf Coast Shire?
The reinstatement of all community advisory groups so that there is real collaboration between council and the community and the dismantling of the current councils power group who have not shown them to represent local issues in that we, the community, have not been listened to, which has seen an ?us and them? approach to all community issues. There also needs to be the creation of a Bells Beach surfing sanctuary, protected by state and federal legislation. Surf Coast Shire needs to retain its surfer village feel and not become a suburb of Geelong or Armstrong Creek.
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