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Video: Is the debate format flawed?

>>> when it comes to presidential debates it seems rules are mentd to be broken. in this debate season both candidates have retunely ran over their allotted time, invaded each other's space and it always seems a zinger tweeted out by millions of people is more important than stub stance. is this a sign that the debate format is flawed? in fairness one of the things tweeted a lot last night was bob was the first moderator who did not allow himself to be rolled over by governor romney who lobbied for more time and didn't get it. as soon as that moment happened, i went on twitter. that's what people noticed instantly. not what he was talking about but bob was not playing.

>> we found mitt romney in the first two debates broke the rules more than barack obama . whether that's good politics or not the voters decide. the rules are weird when you look at details. they say that the moderator cannot comment in any way on what the candidates say, good or bad.

>> which is why candy crowley took so much heat.

>> she announced i won't play by rules. why are the rules so bad? they are negotiated between the two campaigns and approved by the debate commission and not released to the public. one of my arguments is if these debates are so important, shouldn't we get access to the rules sxr some other person in the room other than two self-interested candidates.

>> it's like watching football. if tomorrow they change the guy and you watch to figure out if it's a foul or good or bad. we live in a cable news world. twitter was not what it was now in the national election cycle. cable news by many accounts not number-wise where it was back then? are we living in a cable news world that requires candidates to be tougher and exude more dominance? you want to be the president of the united states . i know schools that have tougher presidents running for student body than some of the candidates in the past.

>> that's a great point. we move from sound bites to tweets, to the idea of what's the quickest and cleverest thing. the problem is the half-life of this stuff is so reduced. obama had a great line there saying you don't understand the way the military works if you count navy ships , right? he likened it to horses. mitt romney may have a lot of horses.

>> he has won that's pretty good.

>> it had a double ontondra that caught online. when we talk about issues on the table it's a problem when you play more to more of the issues. israel was mentioned more than any other country. mentioned more than china or canada. this is the plain old domestic politics?

>> president obama referred to governor romney's big chopper this morning doris kearns goodwin says people people need to toughen up. some were offended by whopper, and in new york women were turned off by this aggression. she notes na abraham lincoln , teddy roosevelt would call someone a liar. now it's like you can't. the you say the person moderated or shifted, not flat out they lied. that was political language years ago and now we're soft.

>> we're soft. for 100 years we had a purely partisan press. when we expected people to be objective, it was limited. the apology tour has been found by everyone not to have happened, so whopper was a nice thing. he could have gone harder. the other side is people want to take a measure of these men. if you look at mitt romney and see he's changing his answer a the lot or angry or disrespectf disrespectful, you can factor that in. some say the president being president, being so powerful may have been too tough on mitt romney . people have to look at that.

>> i think that new york debate has changed the game. i don't think anyone can sit there and take things anymore, when they get attacked on twitter like we do. thank you very much. the

Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/newsnation/49523117/

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