বৃহস্পতিবার, ৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

NOPD links 'Marley Gang' murder suspect, 16, to Uptown home ...

NOPD investigators this week have linked at least two more recent crimes in two Uptown police districts to a 16-year-old gang member who was recently arrested in the murder of a UNO student in eastern New Orleans. The teenager's fingerprints were recovered from items involved in a home invasion and an armed robbery Uptown, 2nd District Sgt. Warren Keller said at a public crime meeting on Wednesday.

Charles "Chuck" Carter is a member of the "Marley Gang," an eastern New Orleans group of youths and young adults that has been tied to several recent violent crimes throughout the city, 7th District Lt. Ronnie Stevens said last week.

Police believe Carter and an unknown accomplice, both of them wearing masks and one of them armed with a gun, burst through the back door of a house in the 7400 block of Pitt Street on Aug. 27, Keller said. Police said the intruders tied up the two men inside the house with extension cords while they stole a Playstation, iPods and other electronics. They escaped in a 2008 Mazda 3 belonging to one of the victims.

The stolen Mazda was recovered four days later in the 8400 block of Aberdeen Road in eastern New Orleans. Carter's fingerprints were all over the interior of the car, Keller said.

But, Keller said, even though "there's no doubt" that Carter was one of the armed robbers in the Pitt Street home invasion, police are having trouble proving it. There were no good fingerprints collected at the house. Both victims said they couldn't identify the robbers in a six-person photographic lineup because the robbers had been wearing masks.

"There's no way we can charge him with the aggravated burglary unless one of the victims can ID him," Keller said, adding, "But there's a strong probability it was him."

Carter was rebooked in Orleans Parish Prison earlier this week on a count of possession of stolen property, Keller said. He was already sitting in jail in lieu of a $400,000 bond set for the? second-degree murder charge, records show.

Carter's fingerprints also linked him to an armed robbery in another Uptown neighborhood in the NOPD's 6th District, Keller said. Details on that armed robbery were not immediately available Wednesday.

Court documents show several known members of the Marley Gang, ages 14 through 18, have been arrested in recent months in connection with violent crimes. Along with Carter, 18-year-old Devante Billy was booked in the Oct. 19 murder of UNO student Valan May in the 7800 block of Burke Avenue in the east.

Gang members Brent Davis, 17, Richard Frazier, 18, and Quincy Jones, 15, were booked in a Sept. 2 carjacking in the 6800 block of West Coronet Court in the east.

Robert Ransom, 14, and Leander Burds, 15 -- along with two other men, Devante Claiborne, 20, and Devan Stevens, 29, who are not explicitly identified as Marley Gang members -- were booked in an Oct. 28 armed robbery near the corner of Louisiana and Magazine streets.

Stay with NOLA.com for updates on this story.

Source: http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2012/11/nopd_links_marley_gang_murder.html

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