রবিবার, ২৫ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Japanese bosses that make you want to quit

goo Ranking conducted another entertaining survey, this time looking at what features of one?s boss makes one want to switch departments or otherwise change jobs.


Over the 5th and 6th of October 2012 1,064 members of the goo Research monitor group completed a private internet-based questionnaire. 58.2% of the sample were female, 10.5% in their teens, 13.7% in their twenties, 26.6% in their thirties, 27.6% in their forties, 11.7% in their fifties, and 9.9% aged sixty or older. Note that the score in the results refers to the relative number of votes for each option, not a percentage of the total sample.

I?ll use ?him? throughout the survey as managerial posts are overwhelmingly staffed by males, and anyway most of the complaints sound like they are about men, not women.

Fortunately I don?t have a boss who suffers from 5, both 7s, 9, 11, 14, 17 to 22, and 27, if you catch my drift. Here?s the best BOSS in Japan:

Ranking result

Q: What features of your boss makes you want to change jobs to get away from him or her? (Sample size=1,064)

Rank ? Score
1 Always changing his mind 100
2 Always irritable 97.2
3 Body odour, stinky breath 86.5
4 Behaviour changing depending on the underling, unfairness 83.3
5 Sucking up to important people 81.3
6 Irresponsibility 78.1
7= Irrational anger 76.9
7= Not acknowledging his mistakes 76.9
9 Passing the buck for all bothersome tasks to his underlines 76.1
10 All talk and no action 75.7
11 Often using sexist language, but being self-unaware 72.5
12 No ability 65.3
13 Poor at polite language 64.5
14 Just full of his own self-importance 63.7
15 Takes the credit for other people?s successes 62.5
16 Slave driver 61.4
17 Soon forgetting what he said 53.0
18 Never praising his underlings 50.2
19 Lectures at people in front of others 47.8
20 Tends to forget to pass on important information 47.0
21 Talks on and on 46.6
22 Full of boastful talk 45.8
23 Unkempt 45.0
24 Judging people?s value by their length of service, not ability 43.4
25 Jealous of underlings cleverer than him 43.0
26 Messy desk 28.3
27 Always talking of the past when he goes out drinking 26.7
28 Doesn?t want to communicate 20.7
29 Tells corny jokes 19.9
30 Always losing things 16.7

goo ranking,work

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  • Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/WhatJapanThinks/~3/XY42d6oK32E/

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