বুধবার, ৩১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Balance Family and Business In Direct Sales - Build it Big Radio Show

Direct Sales Business Balance

Many women own their own businesses from home, and often worry about how they are going to run a direct sales business working at home business while raising a family at the same time.

The answer is simple- there is no right way to own your own business and make time for family as well, but there are tips out there that can help a person balance their family and business when working from home. Starting out it is essential that you participate in home based business communities and direct sales training opportunities.

After that the balance, is well? a balancing act!

Balance Home And Family Life

balance in home businessFirst of all, remember that just because you work from home doesn?t mean that you are always at work. Likewise, just because your family comes home doesn?t mean that you should automatically put your work aside. Perhaps the best way to balance work and family is to put yourself on a work schedule that your family understands and let them know that just because you are home, that doesn?t mean that you are available right away.

Also, don?t feel guilty for putting work first. What a lot of people do is remember that they have a work at home busines and that business should be treated just like any other job. What this means is this- whether you work outside the home full- or part-time or work from your home, you?re still working and you should never feel guilty for taking time to provide for your family, even if your office is your living room couch.

One of the downsides about working from home is not knowing when to take a day off. When you have a work at home business it?s too easy to work every day and forget to set aside that time for your family. After all, home businesses really do take a lot of time out of your life to be successful. As such, you need to remind yourself that in many ways your family must come first, and you should try your best to make sure that your computer is off on weekends and that you aren?t always checking your phone for work-related calls. Your family will be grateful you took time off for them, and you can feel better knowing that you can balance your family life and your work at home business at the same time and be successful in doing so.

Work At Home Training

Direct sales work at home consultants who participate in training will achieve their financial goals.

The #1 free direct sales party plan training center on the web provides direct sales training and more: http://www.createacashflowshow.com/

What questions does this raise for you?

Source: http://builditbigradioshow.com/direct-sales-tips/balance/

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মঙ্গলবার, ৩০ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Breast-cancer checks save lives despite over diagnosis

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/breast-cancer-checks-save-lives-despite-over-diagnosis-103331401.html

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সোমবার, ২৯ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Small earthquake rattles Southern California

By NBC News staff and news services

Updated at 4:26 p.m. ET: A small earthquake rattled Southern California on Sunday morning, causing?buildings?to shake in downtown Los Angeles.?There were no immediate reports of damage or injury. ??

The quake had a preliminary magnitude of 3.9 magnitude and struck at 8:24 a.m., ?the U.S. Geological Survey said. It was centered about 5 miles east-southeast of Santa Clarita, and about?24 miles north-northwest of downtown Los Angeles.?

It may not have been a hurricane, but an earthquake and tsunami warning worried state agencies along the West Coast. NBC's Miguel Almaguer reports.

Shaking was felt across the Santa Clarita Valley, in downtown Los Angeles, in West Hollywood and along LA County beaches, The Associated Press reported.

The quake was followed by several smaller aftershocks.

A sheriff's dispatcher in Santa Clarita told the AP ?there were no calls reporting damage or injury.

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Source: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/10/28/14758265-small-earthquake-rattles-southern-california-buildings-shake-in-los-angeles?lite

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শুক্রবার, ২৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

The secrets of Buffett's success: Beating the Market with Beta

I?d like to call everyone?s attention to an Economist article entitled ?The secrets of Buffett?s success: Beating the Market with Beta?.? Basically, this article is an executive summary of two academic working papers; 1)?Betting against beta, by A Frazzini and LH Pedersen, and?2) Buffett?s Alpha, by A Frazzini, D Kabiller, and LH Pedersen.

In a nutshell, the Economist article explains that two factors: 1) the low-beta nature of Warren Buffett?s portfolio, and 2) Buffett?s leveraging of his portfolio by a factor of 60% using low cost AAA-rated debt and debt-like financing from his insurance and reinsurance operations, pretty much explain all off Warren Buffett?s superior returns over the course of the last 35 years (tip of the hat to Dr. JT Rose and Dr.?Don Cunningham for bringing the Economist article to my attention).

Source: http://risk.garven.com/2012/10/25/the-secrets-of-buffetts-success-beating-the-market-with-beta/

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Square Takes Its First International Step: Payment Service Now Live In Canada

SquareSquare has taken its first step outside of the U.S. for its mobile payment service: it is now live in Canada. The company said today that its mobile card reader/processor is now available nationwide, priced at the same rate as in its home market: 2.75% per swipe. In the U.S. there are now 2 million businesses using Square's system, making a total of $8 billion in annualized payments.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/yDF8FTwdFX4/

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Innovation Excellence | Data Science for Business Leaders

Data Science for Business LeadersEarlier this year I participated in a 5-day?Data Science and Big Data Analytics course. I was hoping that by the end of the week I would have a greater sense of how to grow the skill sets that would turn me into a more effective data scientist.

An interesting thing happened on day 1 of the course: I became distracted. The instructor (David Dietrich) put up a chart depicting the Data Science Lifecycle (shown below), and I was drawn so much into the diagram that I realized that the role of data scientist was not for me:

Data Science for Business Leaders

I attended the course because I knew that Data Science would become intrinsically linked to my role as Director of Global Innovation at EMC. The course has been wildly popular inside the company (1200 employees have taken the course). Hundreds of EMC partners and customers have also signed up, and the curriculum is now available at various universities. Over 100 faculty have ordered the readiness training from 20+ countries so far.

For my own data science project, I was collecting innovation data from EMC?s R&D locations around the world. I had structured data. I had unstructured data. But I lacked the general knowledge of which analytical techniques would provide me the best insight into EMC?s innovation ecosystem. Would it be clustering? Or would regression make the most sense?

Eventually I was taught the basics of clustering and regression algorithms, and I was also taught the circumstances in which these algorithms were most commonly used. Clearly these techniques would assist me in my quest to gain innovation insight.

However, the Lifecycle chart informed me that traditional data science projects have many moving parts and a variety of important roles; the Data Scientist alone could never provide the insight that I am looking for.

In fact, the course defined my role as a Project Sponsor, which is quite distinct from a Data Scientist. Here are the definitions for both:

  • Project Sponsor: Responsible for the genesis of the project, providing the impetus for the project and core business problem, generally provides the funding and will gauge the degree of value from the final outputs of the working team.
  • Data Scientist: Provide subject matter expertise for analytical techniques, data modeling, applying valid analytical techniques to given business problems and ensuring overall analytical objectives are met.

Indeed, as the months moved forward and I began implementing the six phases of the Analytic Lifecycle, I found myself building a team that not only contained data scientists, but various other roles as well:

  • Data Engineers: deep technical skills to assist with tuning SQL queries for data management, extraction, and support data ingest to analytic sandbox (this included IT personnel on the East Coast ?and EMC Labs researchers in China).
  • Database Administrators: Provisions and configures database environment to support the analytical needs of the working team (my co-workers at the CTO Office Lab in Santa Clara).
  • Business User: Someone who benefits from the end results and can consult and advise project team on value of end results and how these will be operationalized (the CTO of EMC, who runs the Innovation programs).

The fact that I was drawn into the ?business end? of building a data science team for innovation is actually consistent with industry trends. ?While it is estimated (in the United States) that employers will be short some 140,000-190,000 data scientists in the years to come, there will be an even bigger gap of some 1.5 million ?data savvy professionals?. These professionals need to know how to build teams, engage with executives, and guide the data scientists, engineers, DBAs, and business intelligence analysts.

In hindsight, I would have valued a dedicated course on the topic of managing data science projects.

Fortunately, I am in luck: within the next several months EMC Education Services will release a new course on this very topic. The course will be geared to teaching data science to business leaders. I will attend a pre-release version of the course and will be sure to share my thoughts in advance of the official release.

image credit: bluefocusmarketing.com

Clearworks - Customers, Connections, Clarity

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Steve ToddSteve Todd is an EMC Fellow, the Director of EMC?s Innovation Network, and?a high-tech inventor and book author Innovate With Global Influence. An EMC Intrapreneur with over 200 patent applications and billions in product revenue, he writes about innovation on his personal blog, the?Information Playground. Twitter: @SteveTodd

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    Source: http://www.innovationexcellence.com/blog/2012/10/25/data-science-for-business-leaders/

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    বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

    Fighting rages in Syria before Brahimi's truce

    AMMAN (Reuters) - Syrian troops bombarded a town near Damascus on Thursday and fighting raged in and around the northern city of Aleppo, a day before a proposed truce for a four-day Muslim religious holiday.

    President Bashar al-Assad's government was expected to make a statement later in the day on whether it accepts the temporary ceasefire advocated by U.N.-Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi.

    The Syrian authorities said on Wednesday they were still studying the plan, but Russia's envoy to the United Nations said Damascus had indicated to Moscow that it would agree to it.

    China urged all sides to respect a ceasefire, an idea also backed by Syria's main regional ally Iran, but there was no sign on the ground of any let-up in the violence on the eve of Eid al-Adha, the biggest feast on the Muslim religious calendar.

    Syrian troops pounded Harasta, near Damascus, with tank and rocket fire, killing five people, after rebels overran two army roadblocks on the edge of the town, on the main highway from the capital to the north, opposition campaigners said.

    Rebels tried to maintain pressure on two army bases on main roads leading to the contested city of Aleppo, a key prize in the 19-month-old uprising against Assad's authoritarian rule.

    "No one is taking the ceasefire seriously," said Moaz al-Shami, an opposition activist in Damascus.

    "How can there be a ceasefire with tanks roaming the streets, roadblocks every few hundred meters and the army having no qualms about hitting civilian neighborhoods with heavy artillery? This is a regime that has lost all credibility."

    Even if Assad accepts a truce, there may be no unified response from Syria's fractured opposition. Some armed groups have said they will abide by a ceasefire. Others, including the Islamist militant Al Nusra Front, have rejected it.

    In Aleppo, where opposition activists reported more fighting and shelling, the rebel Shining Aleppo Division said it would observe the ceasefire despite "doubts over the credibility of the regime" if Assad stopped moving armored units, halted air raids and released thousands of prisoners held without trial.


    Brahimi's predecessor, former U.N. chief Kofi Annan, declared a ceasefire in Syria on April 12, but it soon became a dead letter, along with the rest of his six-point peace plan.

    Violence has intensified since then, with daily death tolls compiled by opposition monitoring groups often exceeding 200.

    "Harasta is being pummeled by tanks and rocket launchers deployed on the highway. The rebels are putting up a fight and it does not seem the army will be able to enter the town this time," said a Damascus resident, who gave his name as Mohammed.

    Assad's force pushed into Harasta a month ago in an operation which opposition activists said killed 70 people.

    In Geneva, U.N. war crimes investigators said they had asked to meet Assad to seek access for their team, which has been excluded from Syria since it began work a year ago. There was no word on how the Syrian leader would respond.

    The inquiry led by Brazilian expert Paulo Pinheiro has been investigating atrocities by both sides in the conflict

    In their latest report in August, the investigators said that Syrian government forces and allied militia had committed war crimes including murder and torture of civilians in what appeared to be a state-directed policy.

    In Harasta, an opposition group described the town as a "disaster zone" after the shelling. "An (army) roadblock had been set up next to the main bakery. There is no water, no food, no medicine and prolonged power cuts," it said in a statement.

    Activists also reported army artillery on the town of Anadan northwest of Aleppo. To the southwest of the city, rebels have been surrounding army barracks at the town of Orum al-Sughra, on the road between Aleppo and the Turkish border.

    Assad's forces appear to have curbed a two-week-old rebel offensive against an army base at Wadi al-Deif to the south, near Maarat al-Numaan on the Aleppo-Damascus highway.

    Rebel commanders said an armored column sent to defend the base 10 days ago had arrived near Maarat al-Numaan despite rebel attacks. The column, now deployed just south for the town, is bombarding rebel forces operating near Wadi al-Deif.

    (Editing by Alistair Lyon)

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/fighting-rages-syria-brahimis-truce-123029504.html

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    LG Optimus 2X ICS source code released

    Optimus 2X

    LG has surprised just about everyone this evening, and released the Ice Cream Sandwich kernel source for the Optimus 2X. Word from developers is that this source also applies to the P999 (T-Mobile G2X) as well. This means two things -- one, LG is serious about releasing ICS for the 2X, and that the CM team can now crank out a much better CyanogenMod 10 build for the devices.

    It's a little late, but better late than never. Look for development on these devices to step back up again.

    Source: LG; via XDA

    Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/dTK73knHrms/story01.htm

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    Rebecca Edmonds, Single Mom, Dismissed From Air Force For Being Pregnant

    Rebecca Edmonds, the daughter of an Air Force captain, proudly followed in her father?s footsteps when she joined the armed forces. But her dream came to an abrupt halt when the Air Force found out that she was about to start a family of her own.

    Edmonds, a graduate of Marquette University with a full scholarship from the Air Force, became pregnant 13 weeks before she was going to be commissioned as an officer, CNN reported. Six months into her pregnancy, she shared her news with the Air Force. In response, they revoked her $92,000 scholarship and ejected her from the ranks.

    The Air Force strictly forbids single parents from enlisting -- a policy Edmonds alleges that she was unaware of when she found out she was pregnant. The Air Force put the single parent policy in place due to the difficult strains deployment puts on the children of single parents, according to CNN.

    The U.S. military is committed to ensuring that enlisted members take care of family obligations, such as child care, before deploying for service. According to the 2012 research paper published by Indiana University ? Purdue University Indianapolis, a single parent must submit in writing that an individual not enlisted in the military will take responsibility over the child and individuals who do not comply could be immediately terminated from service.

    The Air Force contends that if Edmonds was honest about her pregnancy from the beginning, she would not of been discharged so abruptly, according to CNN. In a letter written to Edmonds? attorney about the case, an Air Force official wrote, "If Ms. Edmonds had reported her pregnancy she would have been placed on medical recheck status until she gave birth.? The letter goes on to explain that Edmonds would only be able to be deployed ?if she were not a single parent, for example, if she were married, or had given the child up for adoption."

    A policy that strictly forbids individuals from giving up custody of their child for the purpose of joining the ranks is outlined on the Air Force?s website. If a single parent attempting to join the Air Force indicates that their child is in the custody of someone else, they are required to acknowledge that ?his/her intent at the time of enlist was not to enter the Air Force with the express intention of regaining custody after enlistment.?

    Edmonds isn?t the only single parent with dreams of joining the armed forces. In 2009, it was estimated that more than 30,000 single mothers had deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. Researchers like Lieutenant Colonel Samantha Blanchard, the director of behavior medicine at Nellis Family Medicine Residency in Nevada, have have highlighted the need for more services for single parents in the military.

    Although mothers serving their country face a unique set of battles when it comes to balancing their job and their family, many women in other professions have also alleged they were unjustly fired due to pregnancy. Jamera Lee Massop of Jamaica, N.Y. contends that she was abruptly fired from her job as an administrative assistant when she was six months pregnant. Jarretta Hamilton, previously a fourth-grade teacher in the Atlanta area, filed a lawsuit against her school district for being fired after telling her principle she was pregnant.

    Edmonds case is currently under review. She told CNN that she hopes that her case will make the military reconsider its current policy on single parents enlisting for service.

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    Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/25/rebecca-edmonds-single-mom-air-force_n_2016510.html

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    Rodriguez's celeb friends kick off Kohl's launch

    NEW YORK (AP) ? Even celebrities appreciate a bargain. Perhaps that's why famous pals Katie Holmes and Julianna Margulies joined Narciso Rodriguez as he launched a limited-edition collection with a more affordable national retailer.

    Holmes walked the red carpet at the launch party Monday in New York for Rodriguez's line for Kohl's Corp.

    "Narciso is a friend and I'm really excited to be here to support him and I think it's wonderful what he's doing and I've been a fan of his for a long time and it's an honor to be here. It's always an honor to wear his clothing," she said.

    Rodriguez's line launches Kohl's DesigNation program, which features styles inspired by faraway lands. He used as a starting point a recent trip to Istanbul, and he married elements of Turkish culture with his typical architectural construction.

    "The Good Wife" actress Margulies said she not only is a fan of Narciso Rodriguez, she regards him as family. "Seventeen years ago, I met Narciso and I took him to his first CFDA Awards. I was his date. ... It's a history. He was at my wedding, he was there the day my baby was born. We're family."

    Emma Roberts said she also appreciated the accessibility of the collection for Kohl's.

    "I love when these big designers are collaborating with places to make their stuff more accessible to everybody and also just making kind of more everyday pieces because so many of these designers I love, but they do these gowns that you can't exactly wear to the supermarket."

    She said her eye was on Rodriguez's "cute" pajama pant that she'd wear out in the daytime.

    Rodriguez for DesigNation will be available in Kohl's stores on Nov. 7. In the spring, Derek Lam takes over the program for a collection inspired by his trip to Brazil.

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/rodriguezs-celeb-friends-kick-off-kohls-launch-152705744.html

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    India Slams Monsanto with Unprecedented Biopiracy Charges

    Browse > Home / Commentary / India Slams Monsanto with Unprecedented Biopiracy Charges


    Anthony Gucciardi
    January 14, 2012

    gmorally 210x131 India Slams Monsanto with Unprecedented Biopiracy Charges


    India has joined the conglomerate of?nations directly opposed to the agricultural corruption brought upon by bloated biotechnology giant Monsanto, declaring legal action against the corporation for a crime dubbed ?biopiracy?. The charges were brought against Monsanto for utilizing a local eggplant variety to develop their own genetically modified version including the notorious biopesticide Bt. Monsanto?s Bt GMO crops are known to threaten the environment in addition to human health, and India considers Monsanto?s unauthorized testing of the crops to be biopiracy.

    India?s National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) made the unprecedented decision as detailed in their official statements on the subject, joining nations like Hungary and Peru in their efforts to control Monsanto?s presence within their borders. Hungary was among the first to lead the charge, actually destroying more than 1,000 acres of Monsanto?s GM maize in direct defiance against the company. Peru also took a monumental stand against Monsanto, announcing a ten-year-ban on GMO crops and genetically modified ingredients.

    In summary of the decision, the journal Nature Biotechnology states:

    An Indian government agency has agreed to sue the developers of genetically modified (GM) eggplant for violating India?s Biological Diversity Act of 2002. India?s National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) is alleging that the developers of India?s first GM food crop?Jalna-based Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company (Mahyco) partnered with St. Louis?based seed giant Monsanto and several local universities?used local varieties to develop the transgenic crop, but failed to gain the appropriate licenses for field trials.

    Will India be targeted by the United States and others for opposing GMO crops? Leaked documents have revealed that the United States may ?penalize? nations against Monsanto?s genetically modified creations with military-style trade wars and more. In fact, it was?that in late 2007, the United States ambassador to France and business partner to George W. Bush,?Craig Stapleton, requested that the European Union along with particular nations that did not support?GMO?crops face repercussions.

    The ambassador plainly calls for ?target retaliation? against nations who are against using Monsanto?s genetically modified corn, despite research linking it to severe damage to your body. Therefore, the question must be asked as to whether or not the United States will attempt to ?penalize? India for taking such an unprecedented move against Monsanto. While that remains to be seen, it is clear that Monsanto is increasingly being resisted across the globe by nations and individuals alike.

    Source: http://deadlinelive.info/2012/10/24/india-slams-monsanto-with-unprecedented-biopiracy-charges/

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    Obama: 'Trust matters' in a presidential campaign

    President Barack Obama greets supporters on the tarmac upon his arrival aboard Air Force One at the Quad Cities International Airport, Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2012, in Moline, Ill. , as the president began a two-day campaign blitz, through eight states with stops in key battleground areas of Iowa, Colorado, Nevada, Ohio and Virginia. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

    President Barack Obama greets supporters on the tarmac upon his arrival aboard Air Force One at the Quad Cities International Airport, Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2012, in Moline, Ill. , as the president began a two-day campaign blitz, through eight states with stops in key battleground areas of Iowa, Colorado, Nevada, Ohio and Virginia. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

    (AP) ? President Barack Obama says at the start of a 48-hour campaign trip that "trust matters" in a presidential campaign and he has kept the same values throughout his political career.

    Obama is seeking to contrast himself with what he considers Republican Mitt Romney's shifting views.

    Obama told voters in Iowa's Quad Cities on Wednesday that they can take videotape of things he said 10 years ago or 12 years ago and say, quote, "man, this is the same guy."

    Obama says he hasn't finished all the work he and his supporters set out to do in 2008, but says he has fought for people every day.

    Iowa is the first stop on a 48-hour trip to key states. The president said: "We're going to pull an all-nighter. No sleep."

    Associated Press

    Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-10-24-Obama/id-c54d02425cdf423b97f56257504ad3fc

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    Best of Our Blogs: October 23, 2012 | World of Psychology

    Best of Our Blogs

    I met a woman recently who said she had a general ?okayness? about the world. She meant that no matter what happened to her, she knew she would land safely back on her feet. This held true regardless of circumstance and people convincing her otherwise. I wondered what it would be like if I felt this way and the repercussions of the world if we all felt okay. Would we take more risks, endure more uncertainty, and be more apt to face our fears?

    ?I will always have fears, but I need not be my fears, for I have other places within myself from which to speak and act.? -Parker J. Palmer

    There are many opportunities in life to test our resilience, venture outside our comfort zones and make significant positive changes to our future. If you are a worrywart, you can learn how to live with more ease. If you have ADHD, you can gain the tools and support you need to function despite any symptom setbacks. The information you receive by being open, reading our posts below, and by taking a risk in re-learning who you are and what you?re capable of are extremely valuable in getting to those ?other places within? yourself that Parker J. Palmer speaks of. You are your best advocate and a powerful instigator of change. Sometimes you just need the knowledge to help you get started. Let these posts on dreams, neurons, worrying, introversion and ADHD begin the process toward a more authentic, healthier you.

    4 Common Misconceptions About Introverts
    (Sorting Out Your Life) ? Being shy and quiet are traits not necessarily equated with introverts. Surprised? Discover the true traits that separate introverts from extroverts.

    Get Rid of Excessive Worry Once and For All
    (Bounce Back) ? Worrying won?t prevent bad things from happening to you or help you problem solve. So why worry? Read the most common reasons you?re a worrier and what to do about it.

    ADHD Awareness Week: So, You Think You Have ADHD?
    (ADHD from A to Zo?) ? You?re forgetful, easily distracted and impulsive. Does that mean you have ADHD? ?Take this quiz to help you finally determine if you?re symptoms are (ADHD) diagnosis worthy.

    Neural Tribe (An Introduction of the Meme)
    (360? of Mindful Living) ? Who are you? A bunch of neurons probably doesn?t come to mind. But thinking this way can give you a whole new world perspective that will change the way you see yourself, your body and even your dog.

    You Needed Last Night?s Dream: Research and Re-thinking
    (Healing Together for Couples) ? The importance of getting sleep has much to do about our dreams. Learn the different functions of non-REM and REM dreaming and intriguing new findings regarding sleep cycles and the purpose and necessity of dreams.

    Brandi-Ann Uyemura is a freelance writer. After obtaining a BA in English and Ethnic Studies, she received a MA in Counseling Psychology from Santa Clara University. She writes for various companies and publications. For more information, see her website Brandi-AnnUyemura.com.

    Like this author?
    Catch up on other posts by Brandi-Ann Uyemura, M.A. (or subscribe to their feed).

    ????Last reviewed: By John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on 22 Oct 2012
    ????Published on PsychCentral.com. All rights reserved.

    APA Reference
    Uyemura, B. (2012). Best of Our Blogs: October 23, 2012. Psych Central. Retrieved on October 23, 2012, from http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2012/10/23/best-of-our-blogs-october-23-2012/


    Source: http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2012/10/23/best-of-our-blogs-october-23-2012/

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    Pet Parade to be held

    WILLIAMSTOWN -? On Saturday October 27, 1-3PM, Sweetwood of Williamstown, 1611 Cold Spring Road (Rt.7) is hosting a Spooktacular Costume Pet Parade. There will be door prizes and prizes for costumes. Best Pet Costume -1st Place $200, 2ndplace $125, 3rd place $75., Owner/Pet Look Alike prize $100.

    Pet clothing for sale, pet owner jewelry for sale. Pet-Friendly guide tours available. Refreshments and drinks for both pets and owners.

    Registration 1:00-2:00pm, Pet Parade at 2:00pm, Awards 2:30pm. ?To assure pet safety, Sweetwood requires canines and felines to be leashed at all times.

    Pre-registration requested at 413-458-8371

    Source: http://pittsfield.wnyt.com/news/164747-pet-parade-be-held

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    Video: Is the debate format flawed?

    >>> when it comes to presidential debates it seems rules are mentd to be broken. in this debate season both candidates have retunely ran over their allotted time, invaded each other's space and it always seems a zinger tweeted out by millions of people is more important than stub stance. is this a sign that the debate format is flawed? in fairness one of the things tweeted a lot last night was bob was the first moderator who did not allow himself to be rolled over by governor romney who lobbied for more time and didn't get it. as soon as that moment happened, i went on twitter. that's what people noticed instantly. not what he was talking about but bob was not playing.

    >> we found mitt romney in the first two debates broke the rules more than barack obama . whether that's good politics or not the voters decide. the rules are weird when you look at details. they say that the moderator cannot comment in any way on what the candidates say, good or bad.

    >> which is why candy crowley took so much heat.

    >> she announced i won't play by rules. why are the rules so bad? they are negotiated between the two campaigns and approved by the debate commission and not released to the public. one of my arguments is if these debates are so important, shouldn't we get access to the rules sxr some other person in the room other than two self-interested candidates.

    >> it's like watching football. if tomorrow they change the guy and you watch to figure out if it's a foul or good or bad. we live in a cable news world. twitter was not what it was now in the national election cycle. cable news by many accounts not number-wise where it was back then? are we living in a cable news world that requires candidates to be tougher and exude more dominance? you want to be the president of the united states . i know schools that have tougher presidents running for student body than some of the candidates in the past.

    >> that's a great point. we move from sound bites to tweets, to the idea of what's the quickest and cleverest thing. the problem is the half-life of this stuff is so reduced. obama had a great line there saying you don't understand the way the military works if you count navy ships , right? he likened it to horses. mitt romney may have a lot of horses.

    >> he has won that's pretty good.

    >> it had a double ontondra that caught online. when we talk about issues on the table it's a problem when you play more to more of the issues. israel was mentioned more than any other country. mentioned more than china or canada. this is the plain old domestic politics?

    >> president obama referred to governor romney's big chopper this morning doris kearns goodwin says people people need to toughen up. some were offended by whopper, and in new york women were turned off by this aggression. she notes na abraham lincoln , teddy roosevelt would call someone a liar. now it's like you can't. the you say the person moderated or shifted, not flat out they lied. that was political language years ago and now we're soft.

    >> we're soft. for 100 years we had a purely partisan press. when we expected people to be objective, it was limited. the apology tour has been found by everyone not to have happened, so whopper was a nice thing. he could have gone harder. the other side is people want to take a measure of these men. if you look at mitt romney and see he's changing his answer a the lot or angry or disrespectf disrespectful, you can factor that in. some say the president being president, being so powerful may have been too tough on mitt romney . people have to look at that.

    >> i think that new york debate has changed the game. i don't think anyone can sit there and take things anymore, when they get attacked on twitter like we do. thank you very much. the

    Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/newsnation/49523117/

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    American Academy of Pediatrics weighs in for first time on organic foods for children

    ScienceDaily (Oct. 22, 2012) ? Parents know it's important for children to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and whole grains. But it's less clear whether spending the extra money on organic foods will bring a significant benefit to their children's health.

    To offer guidance to parents -- and the pediatricians caring for their children's health -- the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has conducted an extensive analysis of scientific evidence surrounding organic produce, dairy products and meat. The conclusion is mixed: While organic foods have the same vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins, lipids and other nutrients as conventional foods, they also have lower pesticide levels, which may be significant for children. Organically raised animals are also less likely to be contaminated with drug-resistant bacteria because organic farming rules prohibit the non-therapeutic use of antibiotics.

    However, in the long term, there is currently no direct evidence that consuming an organic diet leads to improved health or lower risk of disease. No large studies in humans have been performed that specifically address this issue.

    "What's most important is that children eat a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat or fat-free dairy products, whether those are conventional or organic foods. This type of diet has proven health benefits," said Janet Silverstein, MD, FAAP, a member of the AAP Committee on Nutrition and one of the lead authors of the report. "Many families have a limited food budget, and we do not want families to choose to consume smaller amounts of more expensive organic foods and thus reduce their overall intake of healthy foods like produce."

    The AAP report, "Organic Foods: Health and Environmental Advantages and Disadvantages," was released on Oct. 22 at the AAP National Conference & Exhibition in New Orleans. It will be published in the November 2012 issue of Pediatrics (published online Oct. 22). The report outlines the research that has been conducted on organic foods, including convincing evidence of lower exposure to pesticides and less contamination of livestock with drug-resistant bacteria.

    "At this point, we simply do not have the scientific evidence to know whether the difference in pesticide levels will impact a person's health over a lifetime, though we do know that children -- especially young children whose brains are developing -- are uniquely vulnerable to chemical exposures," said Joel Forman, MD, FAAP, a member of the AAP Council on Environmental Health and one of the lead authors of the AAP clinical report.

    If cost is a factor, families can be selective in choosing organic foods, Dr. Forman said. Some conventionally grown fruits and vegetables tend to have lower pesticide residues. The AAP cites organic shopper's guides like those provided by Consumer Reports and the Environmental Working Group as references for consumers. The AAP found no individual health benefit from purchasing organic milk, but emphasizes that all milk should be pasteurized to reduce the risk of bacterial infections. Raw milk increases the risk of serious infection with bacteria including Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, Campylobacter and Brucella.

    Purchasing meat from organic farms that do not use antibiotics for nontherapeutic uses has the potential to reduce antibiotic resistance in bacteria that infect people. The AAP calls for large, well-designed, prospective cohort studies that directly measure environmental exposures such as estrogen at low levels to understand the impact of hormonal exposure of children through milk and meat.

    The AAP report also notes that the motivation to choose organic produce, meat and dairy products may be reasonably based on larger environmental issues, as well as human health impacts like pollution and global climate change.

    "Pediatricians want families to have the information they need to make wise food choices," said Dr. Forman. "We hope that additional research will improve our understanding of these issues, including large studies that measure environmental exposures and neurodevelopment."

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    The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Academy of Pediatrics, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

    Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

    Journal Reference:

    1. Joel Forman, Janet Silverstein, Committee On Nutrition and Council On Environmental Health. Organic Foods: Health and Environmental Advantages and Disadvantages. Pediatrics, 2012 DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-2579

    Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

    Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

    Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/health_medicine/nutrition/~3/FMSAxWiHLjE/121022145334.htm

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    New Apple TV Events channel will stream the special event later today (update: and on your PC!)

    New Apple TV Events channel will stream the special event later today

    If you haven't already bookmarked our liveblog (you should get right on that), Apple's revealed that it will resume broadcasting its events --starting today. Appearing alongside a new events channel on Apple TV, we get a brief mention of today's conference in San Jose. But until it kicks off at 10AM PT, you can kill some time by watching Apple's back-catalog of events, which are ready to view on the new channel.

    Update: Better still, you also hit up Apple's events site to stream it on your online browser of choice.

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    New Apple TV Events channel will stream the special event later today (update: and on your PC!) originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 23 Oct 2012 07:02:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/23/apple-tv-events-channel-will-stream-the-special-event/

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    Microsoft reveals new Skype app for Windows 8

    Microsoft has now announced that the company will be releasing a new Skype app for both Windows 8 as well as Windows RT. Microsoft has also mentioned that the app will come pre-installed with the top twelve Windows 8 OEM made machines, however it will not come installed with the Windows RT based surface tablet and users will have to download it via the Windows Store.

    Most importantly, the new Skype app will no longer be using the peer-to-peer infrastructure but instead it will utilize a hybrid model using the Windows Messenger Infrastructure. Also, Microsoft has revealed that for storing pictures and videos the app will use the Windows Azure backend. As it is made for Windows 8 and Windows RT, the app has its entire design based on the Metro user interface, which also is the new face of Windows. While Facebook integration will exist with the new Skype it won?t be very Facebook-centric as it has been since its integration.

    Microsoft has also announced that later this fall, Skype for Windows 8 will have a new video messaging feature which will allow users to send short video messages to their Skype friends. There is no doubt that Microsoft is highly focused on introducing this huge change throughout their vast products.

    The company will reveal more details on the same on its October 26 event for Windows 8 and we can expect to see much more of Skype on their October 29 event for Windows Phone 8.

    Source: http://technoholik.com/news/mobile/apps/microsoft-reveals-new-skype-app-for-windows-8/4214

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    Wi-Fi Lightbulbs Are Real, And They're Awesome?First Impressions (UPDATED)

    The Island of Dr. Moreau-style splicing of technologies is generally one trend the world could do without. "Haven't you always wanted a lava lamp with a built-in hatchet?" No, Mr. Pitchman, and please take your abominations elsewhere. More »

    Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/54rQ7ZaY7Kg/wi+fi-lightbulbs-are-real-and-theyre-awesome-first-impressions

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    Vandalizing of Political Signs Crosses a Hateful Line in Lubbock, Texas (Little green footballs)

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    Health care history through humor

    ScienceDaily (Oct. 22, 2012) ? Featuring more than 200 examples of the century's best political art, a new history of health care reform provides an entertaining review of 100 years of partisan wrangling over medical insurance -- from Theodore Roosevelt's support for protection from the "hazards of sickness" in 1912 to the Supreme Court's decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act in 2012.

    "Political cartoons cut to the essence of our battle over who should foot the bill for medical coverage and how that care should be structured," explains Theodore Brown, one the four authors of The Quest for Health Care Reform: A Satirical History due out in October 2012. "But unlike the pain involved in our political struggle, cartoons deliver their uncomfortable truths with such irreverent wit and visual imagination that you can't help but chuckle."

    Brown, a historian of medicine, public health, and health policy at the University of Rochester, provides the historical context for each cartoon and authored introductory chapters on early health care reform efforts. He says the book's broad sweep helps to bring into focus many of the themes and political patterns that surface over and over throughout the decades. The "political use of fear, hope, selective memory, and outright distortion will be seen as running threads in our health reform history," he writes in the book's preface.

    From the first decades of the 20th century, critics sought to brand universal medical coverage as "un-American" and "socialistic." Government health care was derided as "Germanic" after World War I, as revolutionary following the Russian Revolution (1917), and as a subversive plot engineered by the Kremlin during the McCarthy era. Long before accusations about "death panels" surfaced during the 2009 debate, opponents decried federal financed medical insurance as "state medicine" and as early as the 1920s the American Medical Association characterized any government plan as "robotic."

    While many of the overarching themes have remained the same, the complexity of the nation's health delivery system and the number and financial power of special interests has mushroomed in recent decades, says Brown. From pharmaceutical and insurance lobbies to hospitals, physicians, and patient rights groups, the debate has grown more complex and confusing for the public.

    It is precisely in this cacophony of competing perspectives that political cartoonists have offered some of our most brilliant social commentary, says coauthor Susan Ladwig, a public health professional at the University of Rochester Medical Center. Ladwig selected many of the cartoons for the history and has collaborated with Brown for years on presentations about the history of health care. Using visual metaphors, like depicting the public as a sick patient or the health care system as an overly complicated machine, these artist are able to home in on the underlying truths and self-interests that can otherwise be lost in daily news coverage, she explains.

    "The book makes the whole complex topic of health care more accessible, even fun," says Ladwig. "Hopefully people are going to want to read this history. I hope they don't just skip over the narrative, but even if they just view the cartoons, they will come away with a better understanding of heath care reform. It may even change a few people's minds when they know the whole story."

    The book brings together the work of more than 27 cartoonists, including 10 winners of the Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning. Almost a fifth of the selections are the creation of Matt Wuerker, winner of the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning and a finalist for the award in 2010 and 2009. A founding staffer at Politico, Wuerker is known for lampooning partisan conflict in Washington. Other Pulitzer winners represented in the book include Mike Luckovich (2006, 1995), Nick Anderson (2005), Clay Bennett (2002), and Joel Pett (2000).

    The Political Cartoon History of Health Care Reform is the brainchild of Georges Benjamin, executive director of the American Public Health Association, whose collection of close to 1,000 cartoons on health care laid the basis for the project. Coauthor Elyse Berkman, a graduate student in health policy at City University of New York, assisted with research.

    View a video and slideshow from the book at http://www.rochester.edu/news/show.php?id=4732.

    Published by the American Public Health Association, the 212-page paperback can be ordered online at http://www.aphabookstore.org.

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    The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Rochester.

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    Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/368E8LOEjfY/121022192243.htm

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    Rep. Rush: Ailing Rep. Jackson en route to Mayo

    (AP) ? An Illinois congressman who visited ailing Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. says the Chicago Democrat looks good but is in fragile condition.

    Congressmen Bobby Rush and Danny Davis visited Jackson at his Washington home Monday for about an hour.

    Rush tells The Associated Press they decided to visit after talking with Jackson's family. Rush said Monday that Jackson was en route Minnesota's Mayo Clinic, which released him last month following treatment for bipolar disorder.

    Jackson's father, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, said Sunday his son would return to Mayo for a checkup but might stay longer.

    A Mayo spokesman says Jackson isn't a current patient.

    Jackson hasn't said when he'll return to work. He faces re-election Nov. 6.

    Jackson's first communication with voters since June was a weekend robocall asking for patience.

    Associated Press

    Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-10-22-Jackson-Leave%20of%20Absence/id-39c23884aa944bafa568e059156ed13a

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    Where the public stands on foreign policy (The Arizona Republic)

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