বুধবার, ৩১ জুলাই, ২০১৩

The 4 Phases of Information Marketing Business | Ryan Lee ...

I?ve been doing a lot of soul-searching over the past few weeks.

Trying to figure out why some of my students are so successful, yet others get the SAME material and get virtually no results.

It can?t be the material (it?s the same). It can?t be the coaching (it?s also the same).

So what is it?



Here?s the way it works and how a majority of people operate. And let?s stick with this world of building an online business.

Phase 1 ? The Pain: This is when people are sick and tired of living in mediocrity. It might be debt and student bills. Or they might have had enough of working for someone else. Whatever the reason, they are looking for a change.

Phase 2 ? The Discovery: They start hitting good ?ol Google and find this entirely new world. Money. Freedom. And lots of big promises. So they buy products and go to the next phase?

Phase 3 ? The Idea: They now have a great idea for a product or business. They jot down a few goals and get excited. They can almost taste that first check. But before the money starts rolling in, it?s time for phase 4.

Phase 4 ? The Silence: This is the final (and fatal) phase. Most of the time, they do nothing. That?s right, the enthusiasm starts to fade and reality sets in. So instead of just doing something ? they choose to do absolutely zip.



Just like a fire needs oxygen to survive, so does your enthusiasm.

But in this case, your ?oxygen? is ACTION.

That?s right, ACTION. It can be small, simple steps.?

How many of you took the time to write your Rebel Yell? And if you did write it down, what have you done since then?

Have you created a new marketing funnel? Re-crafted your blog posts? Re-worked your products. Recorded a new video? Wrote a new headline?

These aren?t big action steps. I didn?t say to rent out Madison Square Garden and put on a 20,000 person event. I?m talking small steps.

But again, how many people did this after reading that post? I?m willing to be the percentage is low. Really low. Probably less than 5%. I?d love to be wrong, but I?m not. And 14+ years of doing this online have proven the numbers just don?t change much.

Maybe you got scared. Or you got distracted with yet another ?launch?. Or the pain of actually doing something was too much to overcome.

Whatever the reason, you MUST overcome the inactivity. It?s a requirement for success.

The Rebel Yell was a good first step. Even that small bit of clarity can transform your business. Now it?s time to get off your butt and keep stoking your enthusiasm with ACTION.




P.S. There are just 14 spots open to work personally with Kevin Rogers and myself in a business (and life) transforming program. Click here to grab a spot.

Source: http://ryanlee.com/4-phases/

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