রবিবার, ২৩ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

towns and villages

Warriors guild

The Fighters Guild is a brotherhood of warriors. We provide a service to Cathyria, lending steel and shield to those who need our help.( no more open spots)


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towns/ cities

Indum - This is a fairly large, overcrowded city built predominantly of marble and defended by a deep and treacherous moat. It is well known for its lavish mausoleum. Most of its revenue comes from fishing.

Urini - This moderately sized city is sparsely populated. It stands in the heart of the kingdom and is mainly constructed of red brick. It is defended by thick walls, and its most noteworthy feature is the immense central fort.

Majesana - This is a large, sprawling town built predominantly of yellow brick and defended by local militia. It is well known for its fancifully paved streets. Most of its revenue comes from leather goods.

Agias - This midsized city is not very populous. It stands on a major trade route and is mainly constructed of pale stone. It is defended by a somewhat lackadaisical city guard, and its most noteworthy feature is the underground labyrinth.

Ebar - This modest city is overcrowded. It stands beside a river and is mainly constructed of pale stone. It is defended by elven archers, and its most noteworthy feature is the remarkably beautiful women.

Gallosor - This large town is prosperous. It stands deep in a forest and is mainly constructed of red brick. It is defended by a deep and treacherous moat, and its most noteworthy feature is the lavish mausoleum.


oakmist village- This smallish village is sparsely populated. It stands beside a river and is mainly constructed of concrete. It is defended by arcane spells, and its most noteworthy feature is the imposing aqueduct.

Olmir - This midsized, bustling village in a deep valley is best known as the birthplace of a notorious tyrant. The majority of its inhabitants are involved in farming crops and cattles, and it is considered notable for its huge grave yard.

Naruanar - This modest village is bustling. It stands deep in a forest and is mainly constructed of wood. It is defended by local guards, and its most noteworthy feature is the wood mill.

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