রবিবার, ৩০ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Bizarre tumor case may lead to custom cancer care | NOLA.com

It's a medical nightmare: a 24-year-old man endures 350 surgeries since childhood to remove growths that keep coming back in his throat and have spread to his lungs, threatening his life. Now doctors have found a way to help him by way of a scientific coup that holds promise for millions of cancer patients. The bizarre case is the first use in a patient of a new discovery: how to keep ordinary and cancerous cells alive indefinitely in the lab.

The discovery allows doctors to grow "mini tumors" from each patient's cancer in a lab dish, then test various drugs or combinations on them to see which works best. It takes only a few cells from a biopsy and less than two weeks to do, with materials and methods common in most hospitals.

Although the approach needs much more testing against many different types of cancer, researchers think it could offer a cheap, simple way to personalize treatment without having to analyze each patient's genes.

"We see a lot of potential for it," said one study leader, Dr. Richard Schlegel, pathology chief at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center in Washington. "Almost everyone could do it easily."

An independent expert agreed.

For infections, it's routine to grow bacteria from a patient in lab dishes to see which antibiotics work best, Dr. George Q. Daley of Children's Hospital Boston and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute said in an email. "But this has never been possible with cancer cells because they don't easily grow in culture," he said.

The new technique may reveal in advance whether a person would be helped by a specific chemotherapy, without risking side effects and lost time if the drug doesn't work. "Pretty nifty," Daley wrote.

In the case of the 24-year-old, described in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine, lab-dish tests suggested that a drug used to treat a type of blood cancer and some other unrelated conditions might help.

It's not a drug that doctors would have thought to try, because the man technically does not have cancer. But his lung tumor shrank after a few months of treatment, and he has been stable for more than a year. He still has to have operations to remove throat growths that keep coming back, but only about once every five months.

The man, an information technology specialist in suburban Washington who asked to remain anonymous to protect his privacy, has recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, or RRP. It's usually due to infection at birth with certain types of a virus, HPV, that causes genital warts.

The condition causes wartlike growths in the throat, usually around the voice box. These growths usually are noncancerous but can turn malignant, and even benign ones can prove fatal if they spread to the lungs. The main treatment is surgery, usually with lasers to vaporize the growths and keep them from choking off the airway or making it hard to talk.

About 10,000 or more people in the U.S. have the disease, said Jennifer Woo, president of the RRP Foundation. Woo, 29, is a medical student at Georgetown and one of the researchers on the study. She also has the condition but said it is confined to her throat and has required only about 20 surgeries so far.

The man in the study has a much more serious case.

"I was diagnosed when I was 3 or 4. At first, I had to have surgery every 7 to 10 days," the man said in a phone interview. "I get short of breath and my voice will get more hoarse."

Two years ago, the growths to his lungs became extensive and life-threatening, and his physician, Dr. Scott Myers, described the condition at a meeting of Georgetown hospital specialists. "It's crushing the airway," Myers said.

Doctors suggested that the new lab method pioneered by Schlegel and others might help. It borrows an idea from stem cell researchers: adding mouse cells for nourishment, plus a chemical that prevents cell death to an ordinary lab culture medium. That enabled healthy and cancerous cells to keep growing indefinitely.

Researchers grew "mini tumors" from the man's lung mass and from healthy tissue and screened various drugs against them. One proved ineffective. Another worked against the tumor but at too high a dose to be safe. The third did the trick.

A similar approach could let doctors screen drugs for cancer patients.

"What could be more personalized than taking this person's cell, growing it in culture, finding a drug to treat them and then treat them?" said Doug Melton, co-director of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute. The Georgetown method gives an answer quickly enough that it could save lives, he said.

Tyler Jacks, a cancer researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and former president of the American Association for Cancer Research, said the next step is to show that this could work for many different cancers and that it leads to better outcomes in patients.

"It seems to have worked in this one instance, but other tumors might prove to be more challenging," he said.

The National Institutes of Health paid for much of this work and has already sent research teams to Georgetown to learn the method. About a dozen other universities have done the same, Schlegel said.

So far, his lab has grown prostate, breast, lung and colon cancer cells.

Georgetown University is seeking a patent on the method.

Marilynn Marchione of The Associated Press wrote this report. Malcolm Ritter contributed from New York.

Source: http://www.nola.com/health/index.ssf/2012/09/bizarre_tumor_case_may_lead_to.html

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NHL, locked-out players meet for 3rd straight day

NEW YORK (AP) ? The NHL and the Players' Association are meeting for the third straight day to try to resolve the lockout.

The sides met for about four hours Saturday, and they agreed to meet again Sunday. The agenda likely will include discussions on health and safety issues.

Core economic issues still weren't on the agenda Saturday when the opposing groups got together again at the NHL office.

Sunday's talks came three days after the league canceled the remaining preseason games. The regular season is scheduled to start Oct. 11.

If a deal isn't reached soon, regular-season games will be in danger of being lost. The NHL canceled the entire 2004-05 season because of a lockout that eventually led to the collective bargaining agreement that expired this month.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/nhl-locked-players-meet-3rd-straight-day-152248765--nhl.html

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শনিবার, ২৯ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

LetsLunch: A Matchmaking Site for Business Lunches | Small ...

LetsLunch, a networking site that aims to help business professionals meet up for lunch, has just launched version 3.0 of its service, adding some additional features as well as expanding service to the U.K.

The service works by allowing business professionals to sign up and create a profile that outlines their industry and interests, as well as when they might be available to have lunch with other users. Then the site matches you up with other business professionals in your area who might be relevant to your interests and you can choose a specific time and place to meet.

When looking for users to lunch with, you can view short bios, a list of professional interests such as online media or entrepreneurship, and even reviews from other users who have lunched with them in the past. You can also see links to social networking sites like Twitter and LinkedIn if you wish to connect with them further.

Version 3.0 gives users the option to become ?sponsored lunchers,? helping them to be seen by more users of the site and thus making the most of their networking opportunities. Other upgrades include social media integrations, group lunch features, and of course expansion into the U.K. market.

The whole idea behind LetsLunch is to ?make your lunch break count.? Instead of just eating a sandwich at your desk or picking up fast food, you can actually make new contacts that might help further your business interests.

Though there are plenty of sites that allow business users to meet others and talk online, this one actually facilitates face-to-face meetings, so there can be more chances for expanding your actual network.

Many business owners and professionals may prefer a more traditional or organic form of networking, but many aspects of business are being changed by the Internet, so this type of site may not be such a huge leap.

Especially for people who may have a hard time building their business network naturally, such as those who work remotely or have recently moved to a new city. ?A service such as this could prove valuable in a number of different capacities.

About Annie Pilon

Annie Pilon Annie Pilon is a freelance writer specializing inmarketing, social media, and creative topics. When she?s not writing for her various freelance projects or her personal blog Wattlebird, she can be found exploring all that her home state of Michigan has to offer.


Source: http://smallbiztrends.com/2012/09/letslunch-matchmaking-site-business-lunches.html

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Original 2007 Google-powered iPhone maps app reportedly built by 2 engineers in 3 weeks

I've read more than I ever wanted to about maps this week, but this story about how the original, Google-powered Maps.app was built for the original iPhone caught my attention. Here it s from Nick Wingfield and Brian X. Chen of The New York Times:

Including a maps app on the first iPhone was not even part of the company?s original plan as the phone?s unveiling approached in January 2007. Just weeks before the event, Mr. Jobs ordered a mapping app to show off the capabilities of the touch-screen device.

Two engineers put together a maps app for the presentation in three weeks, said a former Apple engineer who worked on iPhone software, and who declined to be named because he did not want to speak publicly about his previous employer. The company hastily cut a deal with Google to use its map data.

2 engineers. 3 weeks. Apple has spent the last year or more and who knows how many engineering hours trying to roll a new maps app. It looks nice, but iOS 6 Maps currently locates my house in the middle of a park, when I try to find a place to get my car rust proofed -- because winter is coming -- I get the wrong area code and a phone number that consists only of 443-0, and if I want to take a train downtown I suddenly need to buy an app for that.

Yet in 2007 Google's data was good enough for 2 Apple engineers to make a decent, if feature limited iPhone app in 3 weeks. That just goes to show you how important data quality is for something like maps, and how little a nice looking interface matters when you can't find something on it.

Apple's CEO, Tim Cook has already apologized for the current status of iOS 6 Maps, but not for taking away Google's much more reliable data (even though the results seem to have been fairly predictable. I don't expect him to either, any more than I expect Apple to apologize for dumping Safari RSS or X11.

People keep saying iOS 6 Maps will get better just by virtue of all of us using it. I'll correct my house, and use Google to find and correct the phone number of the anti-rust place (no idea how I can help fix the lack of train information though...) But it's going to take a lot more than me, or any of us, simply feeding Apple data to make a proper maps app. It's going to take Apple investing as heavily and determinedly as Google has over the last decade, but doing it much, much, much faster. It's going to take tons of money and a Herculean effort. Apple has tons of money. Let's hope Cook and company are serious about putting in the effort.

Until Apple mapping data is at least good enough for 2 engineers to build a pretty good app out of it in just 3 weeks...

Source: The New York Times

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/tn5KU9WlL1w/story01.htm

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Tips On How To Buy The Best Commercial Refrigeration Equipment ...

In supermarkets and restaurants, cooling systems are important because they can help to preserve delicate products. If you wish to get the best commercial refrigeration equipment in Pittsburgh, PA, you must check the size of the storage space. Another use of a cooler is to avoid food poisoning due to infection of consumer goods by molds.

Some people might opt for buy used refrigerators in order to save money. The reconditioned machines must have a functional motor. You must consider many factors such as durability. To avoid problems associated with second hand belongings, a new machine might be preferable.

The buyer will also need to check on the display space. Some models are better than others are. You will notice that varied brands are sold at different prices depending on their quality. The two door refrigerator is costlier that the one with a single opening space.

Another thing to put into consideration is warranty. Look for condensers that come with a long-term warranty. The top one should have a long period of service contract. This makes it possible for you to get a replacement when the machine stops functioning within the warranty period. The company who wish to purchase from, must as well have a good service network. If technicians will be readily available for repairs, you will not encounter losses since your business will not be stopped for long.

The restaurant owner must pay close attention to both the external and internal dimensions of the condenser. The equipment seller will provide freezers with the same external dimensions but different internal lengths. The display glass on the cooler can be either at the top but there are those models that may have the mirror on doors.

Getting the maximum amount of storage space is very important for restaurant owners. The machines that have an extra size are better at places where seafood is consumed. The big installations might provide adequate storage for food that might not be served to customers immediately.

The other factor to consider is location of the condensing unit. The unit may be top mounted or at the bottom. The potential user will have to evaluate the merits of each model so as to make a good choice. Generally, bottom mounted condensing units are easier to wash because they are at ground level. Workers will not strain their backs during the cleaning process.

The best way to buy refrigerators is getting them directly from manufacturers. Dealers may also be considered if manufacturers cannot be contacted easily. After the machines are installed, there should be regular contact with the supplier. In case of any defects, the dealer will send technicians to address the faults.

When hotel operators are looking for commercial refrigeration equipment in Pittsburgh, PA, they have to ask if the latest LCCP technology is available. The energy efficiency of the machine should never be overlooked. The installations that do not utilize a lot of electric power might help to reduce monthly expenses on energy. Leaks and harmful emissions are supposed to be avoided at all times.

Source: http://www.clearskydomains.com/tips-on-how-to-buy-the-best-commercial-refrigeration-equipment/

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Arizona Bankruptcy Lawyer Reviews President's Promised Debt ...

Arizona bankruptcy lawyer Lawrence 'D' Pew, of Pew Law Center, re-examines candidate Obama?s promises of debt relief reform in new series ?Marginal Successes, Revised Expectations, Broken Promises ? A Presidency in Review.?Phoenix, AZ (PRWEB) September 28, 2012 Bankruptcy attorney Lawrence ?D? Pew of Mesa, AZ, has released the first segment of his timely new series re-examining candidate Obama?s ......


Published By: Yahoo Ch 13 - Yesterday

Source: http://getoutofdebt.org/news/feeds/arizona-bankruptcy-lawyer-reviews-presidents-promised-debt-reform

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Study: Female brains commonly flooded with male DNA

Jim Bell, an executive producer at?Today, wants you to know that "it was absolutely" his "call" to fire Ann Curry, throwing himself in front of the criticism Matt Lauer was getting from Curry fans.?Even though Today's ratings have been sagging? ?and the ,?nothing too terrible has happened?the show hasn't ended, the cheeriness is still there, Kathie Lee is still drinking before noon?and now Bell has come forward to claim responsibility for the call. "It was definitely not Matt?s call," . ...

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/technology-blog/study-female-brains-commonly-flooded-male-dna-225612162.html

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শুক্রবার, ২৮ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Chez Cayenne: The Bye and Bye (a copycat drink recipe)

The Bye and Bye is a cute little tavern in Portland, Oregon with a short menu of delicious vegan food. We ate there this summer when we were visiting family.

To go with my meatball sandwich, I ordered the house signature drink, the Bye and Bye.? The bartender filled a mason jar with ice, added a couple of shots of liquor, some juice, and a squirt of something from the soda gun. I loved it. The drink is fruity, but not cloyingly sweet. When I finished it, I decided that I wanted to make them at home.

When I got home, I couldn't find a recipe for a Bye and Bye, so I had to get creative. The menu said it contained peach infused bourbon and vodka. I don't have flavor-infused liquors, usually, and didn't want to buy any, so I used regular bourbon and vodka and some peach schnapps. Then I had to figure out the juice. I tasted cranberry juice and guessed that the soda was ginger ale.

I mixed it all up, and it tasted right, but the color wasn't pink enough. I tried adding some pomegranate molasses. Whoops, my drink was now brown. I thought about using some grenadine, but then I remembered that we used to make pink lemonade with grape juice when I was a kid, so I added some grape juice concentrate. Pinkness was achieved.

I've been drinking these the weekend ever since. This is a great drink anytime, but it's especially nice right now as the last heavy days of late summer ease into the crispness of fall.

Disclaimer: I only had one of these and I'm working from memory, so I might not have the juice ingredients exactly right (the liberties I took with the liquor was on purpose), and the color of mine is a little deeper than the original, as I recall. The flavor is spot on, I believe. But if you've had this drink and have any suggestions as to how I can make it closer to the original, leave me a comment!

A Pitcher of Bye and Byes

1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons vodka (3 ounces)

1/4 cup bourbon (2 ounces)

1/4 cup peach liqueur (2 ounces)

1 cup ginger ale

2 cups cranberry juice

2 tablespoons? purple grape juice concentrate (or 1/2 cup grape juice)

Mix all ingredients in a 1 quart pitcher. Pour over ice into 4 juice glasses or 2 large mason jars.

Makes 2 tavern-sized drinks or 4 regular ones.

Source: http://chezcayenne.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-bye-and-bye-copycat-drink-recipe.html

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Apple CEO Tim Cook apologizes for lousy iPhone Maps app

6 hrs.

After a week filled with complaints about the new Maps app found in iOS 6, the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system, the?company's CEO, Tim Cook, has issued an apology to customers along with a list of alternative apps.

A link to the apology appears on the?Apple website, plainly labeled as "[a] letter to our customers regarding Maps."

Cook begins the note by explaining that while Apple strives to "make world-class products that deliver the best experience possible," it "fell short on this commitment" with the launch of its new Maps app.

"We are extremely sorry for the frustration this has caused our customers and we are doing everything we can to make Maps better," Cook writes?before explaining that the reason a new version of Maps needed to be created was so that Apple could offer its customer features such as turn-by-turn directions, voice integration, and so on. "The more our customers use our Maps the better it will get and we greatly appreciate all of the feedback we have received from you," he adds.

While Apple's improving its own Maps app, you can use something else, Cook suggests. "You can try alternatives by downloading map apps from the App Store like Bing, MapQuest and Waze, or use Google or Nokia maps by going to their websites and creating an icon on your home screen to their web app."

One can only imagine how much it pains Cook to suggest that the over 100 million folks who are using iOS 6 at this time should just try a product made by Apple's competitors for a while.

Want more tech news?or interesting?links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts,?or circling her?on?Google+.

Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/gadgetbox/apple-ceo-tim-cook-apologizes-lousy-iphone-maps-app-6162210

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How the Women of Newsweek Sued Their Bosses and Transformed the Workplace

Listen to Episode 21 of The Afterword:

In the late 1960s, Newsweek was an exciting place to work: The magazine was the ?hot book,? famous for its coverage of the civil rights movement, the sexual revolution, and women?s liberation. But inside the magazine, the female career track ended in a dead end. Women could work distributing mail, clipping newspaper stories, or as researchers, fact-checking stories, but that was the end of the line. Only women were hired as fact-checkers, and only men were hired as reporters and writers. On March 16, 1970, the day that Newsweek ran a cover story headlined ?Women in Revolt,? 46 of Newsweek?s female employees sued the magazine, claiming discrimination in hiring and promotion. In The Good Girls Revolt: How the Women of Newsweek Sued their Bosses and Changed the Workplace, Lynn Povich, who was one of the protest?s ringleaders, tells the story of the suit and how it changed the American media.

The Afterword, which appears in the Slate daily podcast feed every other Thursday, features interviews with the authors of new nonfiction books. The next guest will be Christopher Bonanos, talking about his new book Instant: The Story of Polaroid. That podcast will be live on Oct. 11.

The podcast is produced by June Thomas. The executive producer of Slate?s podcasts is Andy Bowers.

Source: http://feeds.slate.com/click.phdo?i=12b1fdcb8cac767f2ac225dfe7d6ce81

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Here's A Supercut Of Bruce Willis Looking Confused

FROM FILM.COM We all know that Bruce Willis plays a badass in most of his movies, but did you ever notice how it usually takes him a while to figure out what's going on in the skyscraper besieged by terrorists or in some alternate timeline? In honor of this week's "Looper," the folks over at [...]

Source: http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2012/09/26/bruce-willis-looking-confused/

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CreditInfoCenter Announces The Release of Their New Student ...

PHOENIX, Sept. 26, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- ?CreditInfoCenter announces their new Student Loan article series. Student debt has skyrocketed in recent years. With students back to school this fall, tuition sticker shock has surely set in. The new article series shows current and future students ways to deal with current student loans and ways to finance your way through future semesters of college.

Many new college grads find themselves deep in debt after they graduate and face years of being in the hole financially. The article series talks about ways to avoid debt in the first place and ways to minimize the impact of existing student loans.

Topics include:

? Comprehensive guide to getting and applying for Student Loans Everything you need to know about federal and private student loans.

? Ten Tips for Finding Free Scholarship Money for College

? Paying for College via Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Learn the secrets of successfully applying for the largest federal student program.

? Ways to Avoid Getting Into Student Loan Debt Learn alternative ways to finance your college tuition.

? Are You In Jeopardy of Defaulting on Your Student Loan?

? Public Servant Student Loan Forgiveness Program Learn about a program where volunteer work can wipe out your student loan debt.

? What College Degrees Should You Pursue and Help Finding a Job Learn which college degrees give you the most bang for your buck after you graduate.

? Best and Worst College Degrees by Salary

? Getting a Job by Volunteering Can extracurricular activities you've been participating in help you get a job?

The student financial series can be found at http://www.creditinfocenter.com/loans/student-loan-college-guide.shtml.

About CreditInfocenter.com:
CreditInfoCenter (http://www.creditinfocenter.com) is a one-stop destination for consumers looking for free advice and tips on how to repair and rebuild bad credit and maintain good credit. CreditInfocenter.com founder Kristy Welsh is also the author of good credit is sexy (http://www.goodcreditissexy.com), a tongue-in-cheek guide to managing your finances.

Media Contact
Kathleen Richards
Web Nation, Inc.
7904 E. Chapparal Road
Scottsdale, Arizona 85250

SOURCE CreditInfoCenter

Source: http://www.execdigital.com/press_releases/creditinfocenter-announces-the-release-of-their-new-student-finance-series

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There's Going to be a Porn Search Engine and It Might Change Your Life [Porn]

Yes. You already search freaky sex terms on porn tube sites but that's not a full-fledged search engine. This porn search engine will clean up the nasty side of online porn (viruses, malware, etc.) by delivering only official .xxx results—the whole 21 million webpage catalog. This porn search engine might be more useful than Google. More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/x743of1hjuM/theres-going-to-be-a-porn-search-engine-and-it-might-change-your-life

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Full Sail University Blog ? Full Sail Alumni Credited on 2012's Emmy ...

The 2012 Emmy season came to a close this September, honoring another impressive year for television programming. Looking at the results of the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards and accompanying Creative Arts Emmy Awards, we?re proud to see that 45 Full Sail graduates worked on 23 winning projects in 42 different categories.

Of the alumni who contributed to the year?s honorees, two were presented with their own Emmy statues. Film grad Ben Folts was recognized for his work as editor on the 2012 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, which won Outstanding Picture Editing for Short-Form Segments and Variety Specials. Recording Arts grad Brett Voss also garnered a statue for his work as Foley editor on the epic fantasy novel adaptation Game of Thrones, winner of Outstanding Sound Editing for a Series.

Three more graduates were also involved in the postproduction of HBO?s Thrones, which went on to win five additional Emmys. This team was made up of Evan Ghigliotty (compositor; Computer Animation, 2006), Paul Flinchbaugh (digital media assistant; Recording Arts, 1992), and Zhoutao Zhang (matchmove artist; Computer Animation, 2008).

HBO had another big success with Boardwalk Empire, which scored four awards, including Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series and Outstanding Special Visual Effects in a Supporting Role. A group of four alumni contributed to this period piece, with Tara Boccia as set dresser (Film, 1996), Ruy Garcia as sound designer (Recording Arts, 1992), Paul Tirone as sound re-recordist (Recording Arts, 2005), and Kelsey Randle as digital compositor on the award-winning visual effects (Digital Arts & Design, 2010).

Showtime?s Homeland was another favorite with Emmy voters, taking in six awards, including top prizes like Outstanding Drama Series and Outstanding Lead Actor and Lead Actress in a Drama Series. The gripping cable thriller included the efforts of Film graduates Patrick Borowiak (1992; first assistant camera) and Evan Showler (2010; location assistant) in its first season.

Other notable winners in the drama categories included Breaking Bad, Game Change, American Horror Story, The Good Wife, Smash, The Walking Dead, and Justified, which had a combined twenty-two graduates involved in their development.

Adding some humor to the proceedings, a fresh batch of comedies featuring the work of our grads also walked away with Emmy statues. Outstanding Casting for a Comedy Series was awarded to the word of mouth hit Girls, which had 2006 Film graduate Julie Sage as location assistant. 2005 Recording Arts grad Brent Findley also worked as a sound editor on 2 Broke Girls, recipient of Outstanding Art Direction for a Multi-Camera Series.

Additional winner Veep (Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series) featured a credit from grad Heath Howard (production coordinator; Film, 1999), while Childrens Hospital (Outstanding Special Class ? Short-Format Live-Action Entertainment Program) included the work of Max La Bella (post production assistant; Film 2006).

The winners in key reality television categories also saw alumni involvement, and a total of five grads contributed to Undercover Boss (Outstanding Reality Program), The Amazing Race (Outstanding Reality-Competition Program), and Dancing with the Stars (Outstanding Host for a Reality or Reality-Competition Program).

Remaining categories included winners like the documentary George Harrison: Living in the Material World, which netted two awards and featured grads Christian Kontis (digital restoration artist; Film, 2008) and Paul Tirone (sound re-recordist; Recording Arts, 2005). The children?s shows The Penguins of Madagascar and Wizards of Waverly Place also received recognition, and featured alums Adam Kugler (lead visual effects artist; Computer Animation, 2009) and Benjamin Watson (production assistant; Film, 2009), respectively.

Looking at the volume and quality of entertainment broadcast during the past year, you get a new respect for the achievements of those in the industry, including the Full Sail alumni who worked behind the scenes to get this programming on the air. We?d like to congratulate the 45 graduates who worked on the 64th Emmy winners, as well as the many other alumni credited on the full range of nominees.

The Emmy-winning projects featuring Full Sail alumni are:

2 Broke Girls (CBS)
Outstanding Art Direction for a Multi-Camera Series
Grad: Brent Findley (sound editor; Recording Arts/Entertainment Business, 2005)

2012 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony (HBO)
Outstanding Picture Editing for Short-Form Segments and Variety Specials
Grad: Ben Folts (editor; Film, 2002)

84th Academy Awards (ABC)
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Variety Series or Special
Grads: Ben Folts (editor; Film, 2002), Geoff Knight (lighting technician; Film, 2006), Nate Selvidio (post production assistant; Show Production/Music Business, 2009)

The Amazing Race (CBS)
Outstanding Reality-Competition Program
Grads: Michael Jay (logger; Film, 2010), Lucas McGough (prop assistant; Film, 2007)

American Horror Story (FX)
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or Movie
Outstanding Hairstyling for a Miniseries or Movie
Grads: Chris Cotterman (grip; Film, 2004), Cesar Davila-Irizarry (theme song; Recording Arts, 2007), Judah Getz (ADR mixer; Recording Arts, 2006), Spencer Hutchins (second assistant camera; Film, 2009), Eric Kovtun (production coordinator; Film, 2005)

Boardwalk Empire (HBO)
Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series
Outstanding Art Direction for a Single-Camera Series
Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series
Outstanding Special Visual Effects in a Supporting Role
Grads: Tara Boccia (set dresser; Film, 1996), Ruy Garcia (sound designer; Recording Arts, 1992), Kelsey Randle (digital compositor; Digital Arts & Design, 2010), and Paul Tirone (sound re-recordist; Recording Arts, 2005)

Breaking Bad (AMC)
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Grads: Bryan P. Jones (additional set production assistant; Film, 2010), Lani Wasserman (additional set production assistant; Film, 2010)

Childrens Hospital (Cartoon Network)
Outstanding Special Class ? Short-Format Live-Action Entertainment Program
Grad: Max La Bella (post production assistant; Film, 2006)

Dancing with the Stars (ABC)
Outstanding Host for a Reality or Reality-Competition Program
Outstanding Make-up for a Multi-Camera Series or Special (Non-Prosthetic)
Grad: Rory Ambron (sound mixer; Recording Arts, 2003)

Game Change (HBO)
Outstanding Miniseries or TV Movie
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or a Movie
Outstanding Directing for a Miniseries, Movie, or Dramatic Special
Outstanding Writing for a Miniseries, Movie, or Dramatic Special
Outstanding Casting for a Miniseries, Movie, or a Special
Grads: Bryan Carrigan (digital score recordist; Recording Arts, 1991), Chris Fogel (music scoring mixer; Recording Arts, 1996), Todd Norton (rigging best boy; Film/Digital Arts & Design, 2000)

Game of Thrones (HBO)
Outstanding Art Direction for a Single-Camera Series
Outstanding Costumes for a Series
Outstanding Make-up for a Single-Camera Series (Non-Prosthetic)
Outstanding Sound Editing for a Series
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy or Drama Series (One Hour)
Outstanding Special Visual Effects
Grads: Paul Flinchbaugh (digital media assistant; Recording Arts, 1992), Paul Tirone (ADR recordist; Recording Arts, 2005), Brett Voss (Foley editor; Recording Arts, 2003), Zhuotao Zhang (matchmove artist, Computer Animation, 2008)

George Harrison: Living in the Material World (HBO)
Outstanding Nonfiction Special
Outstanding Directing for Nonfiction Programming
Grads: Christian Kontis (digital restoration artist; Film, 2008), Paul Tirone (sound re-recordist; Recording Arts, 2005)

Girls (HBO)
Outstanding Casting for a Comedy Series
Grad: Julie Sage (location assistant; Film, 2006)

The Good Wife (CBS)
Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series
Grads: Christopher D. Jones (Dolly grip; Film, 2004), Rocco Nisivoccia (assistant location manager; Film, 2002), Paul Tirone (ADR recordist; Recording Arts, 2005)

Homeland (Showtime)
Outstanding Drama Series
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series
Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Drama Series
Grads: Patrick Borowiak (first assistant camera; Film, 1992) and Evan Showler (location assistant; Film, 2010).

Justified (FX)
Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series
Grad: Tamara Thomas (assistant location manager; Film, 2001)

Paul Simon?s Graceland Journey: Under African Skies (A&E)
Outstanding Sound Mixing for Nonfiction Programming
Grad: Chris David (sound editor; Recording Arts, 2007)

The Penguins of Madagascar (Nickelodeon)
Outstanding Animated Program
Grad: Adam Kugler (lead visual effects artist; Computer Animation, 2009)

Smash (NBC)
Outstanding Choreography
Grads: Andrew J. Bly (visual effects producer; Film, 2003), Marcus Bykowsky (key production assistant; Film, 2005), Timothy Martin (staff set production assistant; Film, 2008), Sean W. Matthews (location assistant/location assistant: second unit; Film, 2010), Jason Quimby (location scout; Film, 1999), Paul Tirone (sound re-recording mixer; Recording Arts, 2005)

Undercover Boss (CBS)
Outstanding Reality Program
Grads: Tom Goodwin (production coordinator; Recording Arts, 2003), John C. Wise (production assistant; Film, 2002)

Veep (HBO)
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series
Grad: Heath Howard (production coordinator; Film, 1999)

The Walking Dead (AMC)
Outstanding Prosthetic Make-up for a Series, Miniseries, Movie, or Special
Grads: Reid Andrews (first generator operator; Film, 2001), Hunter M. Via (editor; Film, 2000)

Wizards of Waverly Place (Disney Channel)
Outstanding Children?s Program
Grad: Benjamin Watson (production assistant; Film, 2009)

Source: http://www.fullsailblog.com/events-and-news/grad-news/full-sail-alumni-credited-on-2012s-emmy-winners

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বুধবার, ২৬ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Fundraising is a leading charity concern of NI public | UK Fundraising

A report published today by the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland (CCNI) has identified charity fundraising as the principal theme behind many of the concerns about charities it receives.

The report is the second of a series of reports looking at common themes behind concerns about charities received by the CCNI.

It outlines the minimum legal standard for charity fundraisers and sets out what the public can reasonably expect when giving to charity. In doing so the Commission affirms the vital role of the public and charity trustees in charity regulation.

Members of the public have submitted the vast majority of the 150 plus concerns about charities received by the Commission since investigatory work began in February 2011.

This report identifies four common themes behind recent fundraising related concerns about charities as:

? Street and public collections;

? Trading subsidiaries;

? Financial transparency around donations received about charities;

? The role of fundraising agents and professional fundraisers.

It is designed to function "as a resource for charity trustees, volunteers and supporters assisting charities in avoiding common fundraising pitfalls and increasing public trust and confidence in charities by promoting good standards alongside good intention".

Charity Commission Chief Executive Frances McCandless explained how the report can serve to promote public trust and confidence in charities. She said: "The great work of local charities must be recognised and the public are keen to support this. Levels of charitable giving have held up well despite pressure on household finances. It is vital therefore that people can have confidence in the charities that they donate to.

"This new report sets out what the public can expect from charity fundraisers and how their vigilance can help the Commission to regulate charities and promote good charity fundraising standards".

The full report can be accessed on the Charity Commission?s website.


Source: http://www.fundraising.co.uk/ireland/news/2012/09/25/fundraising-main-charity-concern-ni-public

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Camera-equipped helmet gives you superhuman vision

50 min.

If you think of high dynamic range imaging, or HDR, you probably think of crazy panoramic?cityscapes or lighthouses where everything pops with impossible clarity ? imagine seeing the whole world that way.?These goggles let you look at everything in real-time 3-D HDR?? and it's more useful than you might think.

The HDRchitecture?project, by researchers at the University of Toronto, was presented earlier this month at the SIGGRAPH imaging convention in Los Angeles.

The most dramatic application the team could think of for showing off the capabilities of their system was welding, where the light from the torch is so bright that it can blind the welder if he doesn't wear a?leaded-glass visor. Unfortunately, this renders the rest of the world, including his immediate surroundings, quite dark. What if you could combine the two images ? the dark one that shows the torch clearly, and the light one that shows everything else?

Think of high dynamic range as wearing night-vision goggles and sunglasses at the same time, with none of the downsides.?You can see?highlights and shadows that would be blown out or too dark to see otherwise.?

To achieve this,?the team's?EyeTap helmet uses a pair of cameras?take?multiple exposures of the same view and combine them in real time, in such a way that no part is too dark and no part is?too light.?

As you can see in the video, that means that the welder can clearly see not only the super-bright torch, but the hot metal it's touching and the rest of the object as well. This could greatly improve not just the quality of the welder's work, but the safety of his workshop.

The video below demonstrates the futuristic-looking helmet in a few situations; there's a good comparison at 1:45, and more everyday situations towards the end.

It's not just for welders. If the technology were developed, a driver would never be blinded by the glare of the sun, and a soldier would never miss a mine hiding in a shadow. The possibilities are really very exciting.

Of course, the device itself will have to be adapted somewhat before you can wear it in the car; it's clearly a bit bulky at the moment. But this "mediated reality," as the narrator describes it, is potentially very powerful. More information and much supporting documentation can be found at the EyeTap site, or at Road to VR.

Devin Coldewey is a?contributing writer for NBC News Digital. His personal website is?coldewey.cc.

Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/futureoftech/camera-equipped-high-dynamic-range-helmet-gives-you-superhuman-vision-6126562

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India's spin bowling future in safe hands, believes Anil Kumble ...

India?s spin bowling future in safe hands, believes Anil Kumble ? Cricket News Update

Impressed by the recent progress of Ravichandran Ashwin, Pragyan Ojha and Harbhajan Singh, the former Indian captain, Anil Kumble, believes that the country?s spin bowling future is in safe hands.

Spin bowling has always been India?s forte, who have historically troubled foreign teams on low and turning home tracks. Over the years, the Men in Blue have produced a number of quality spinners like Bishan Singh Bedi, Erapalli Prasanna, Srinivasaraghavan Venkataraghavan, Anil Kumble and Harbhajan Singh.

Ashwin and Ojha have been absolutely brilliant in the last two home series against West Indies and New Zealand, taking the responsibility on their shoulders, since Harbhajan was miserably out of form.

However, Harbhajan has looked impressive on his comeback during the on-going ICC World T20 2012 in Sri Lanka.

Kumble is impressed by Ashwin and Ojha, the two young spinners, and urged the selectors to persist with them in future.

"You'll never know the real calibre of a spinner if you don't give him enough opportunities. Right now the spin cupboard is pretty healthy because there are two spinners (Ashwin and Ojha) who are performing on the field," Kumble said.

Kumble himself is considered to be one the game?s greatest spin bowlers, with more than 950 international scalps. The lanky leg-spinner was extremely effective because of the extra bounce he was able to generate off the tracks.

The former captain believes that Harbhajan?s experience can also prove to be vital in future and said that the off-spinner can still serve the country for some more years.

Talking about the bench strength, Kumble expressed that Amit Mishra, Rahul Sharma and Piyush Chawla are talented cricketers and can do well at the international level, if given consistent opportunities.

"There's Harbhajan who has the experience of picking 400 Test wickets and who's a highly fierce competitor and exceptionally skilled. When he comes back to being his best, you'll have three quality spinners in the side plus the three leg-spinners waiting in the wings," he added.

India?s next assignment after the World T20 is the Test series against England at home, where the spinners are expected to play a huge role.

Source: http://blogs.bettor.com/Indias-spin-bowling-future-in-safe-hands,-believes-Anil-Kumble-Cricket-News-Update-a190067

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How Vicious Spyware Contaminated Hundreds of Thousands of Rental PCs [Security]

Hundreds of thousands of PCs are rented every year in the United States. And, it turns out, a huge chunk of them have absurdly invasive, incredibly dangerous spyware preinstalled—by the company that rents them. More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/C14vbiAVIyY/how-vicious-spyware-contaminated-hundreds-of-thousands-of-rental-pcs

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৫ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

College Capitalizes on Technology

The Technological Evolution of the College Curriculum

College classes are now in sessions. Check out some these innovative classes that are paving the way for future tech entrepreneurs. Some of these classes weren?t even around twenty years ago.?School is back in session. College students across the nation are back to hitting the books, though perhaps not so literally anymore. As our culture has become increasingly computer-based over the last several decades, so too have college courses. Not only are college students using computers for their learning, but also computers have become their learning. Colleges and universities big and small are incorporating computer-related courses into their curriculum. Whether they cover the basics of computing or how technology can be used for entertainment and entrepreneurship, classes that were nonexistent 20 years ago are now flooding college campuses. Given the depth of this field, which often translates into ample job opportunities, it?s no wonder that more college students are trading English and biology for social media and video games. Below is a small sampling of the courses you can now find among the curriculum offered at many colleges and universities:

College Courses of the Future

  1. The Beauty and Joy of Computing
    (University of California, Berkeley). The name says it all. In this class, college students study both the history of computing and how it impacts society. They also receive hands-on programming learning.
  1. Technology Entrepreneurship (Carnegie Mellon University).
    For many, digital technology is all about the Benjamins, and for good reason. Many tech-based businesses have become wild successes, which is why colleges now offer courses teaching students how to identify entrepreneurial opportunities and capitalize on them.
  1. Social Media & Virtual Communities (Emory University Goizueta Business School).
    What business doesn?t have a Facebook page or Twitter account nowadays? This course educates college students on how to effectively utilize social media branding within their business marketing strategies.
  1. Level Design & Development for Video Games (University of Southern California).
    As this class demonstrates, college really can be all fun and games. Students learn both how to create a compelling storyline for this virtual platform and how to construct the mechanics for it.
  1. Making Digital Holograms (University of New South Wales).
    Remember how crazy everyone went when Tupac made an appearance at last spring?s Coachella festival? Well, now you too can bring deceased celebrities back to life by taking this course, which instructs students on how to create 3D images.

Are you taking any college courses that were not existant 20 years ago? 10 years ago? If so please comment and share your experiences.

Photo Credit:?

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Source: http://www.theprintblog.com/college/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=college

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2 Marines charged with urinating on corpses

NBC's Jim Miklaszewski on the ramifications of the video that allegedly shows Marines urinating on corpses.

By NBC News staff and wire services

Two Marines are facing criminal charges for allegedly urinating on the corpses of Taliban fighters last year in Afghanistan and posing for unofficial photos with casualties, Marine officials announced on Monday.

The criminal charges are the first levied on anyone over the incident, which was recorded on video and circulated on YouTube.

The video, which showed Marines in full combat gear urinating on the bodies of three dead men, triggered widespread anger in Afghanistan early this year, with Afghan President Hamid Karzai calling the Marines' actions "inhuman."?Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said he feared that the video could set back efforts to begin reconciliation talks with the Taliban.

The charged Marines, Staff Sergeants Joseph W. Chamblin and Edward W. Deptola, who were referred to trial by court martial, also face charges for failing to properly supervise junior Marines and failing to stop and report misconduct of junior Marines.?

Related:?Military punishes soldiers for Quran burning, Marines for urinating on Taliban corpses

The Marine Corps investigation showed that although the video was only circulated on the Internet in January, the incident actually took place on or around July 27, 2011, during a counter-insurgency operation in Afghanistan's Helmand province.?

The Marine Corps said on August 27 that three Marines pleaded guilty to charges over the video. But their punishment fell short of criminal prosecution.

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Chamblin and Deptola, on the other hand, also face a series charges for failing to supervise junior Marines.

This includes simple things like failing to require them to wear protective equipment to more serious breaches, like failing to report the "negligent discharge" of a grenade launcher. Deptola is also charged with failing to stop the unnecessary damaging of Afghan compounds, the Marines said.

The Marines said there were other pending cases in the video investigation. They declined to elaborate on the incident in which the negligent actions took place.

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After a lengthy investigation by the Naval Criminal Investigative Services,?Lt. Gen. Richard Mills, commanding general of Marine Corps Combat Development Command in Quantico, Va., made the decision to refer the cases to court martial, the Marine Corps Times reported.

Both Marines are from the Third Battalion, Second Marine Regiment at Camp LeJeune, North Carolina. ?No date has been set for their court martial.

NBC News Chief Pentagon Correspondent Jim Miklaszewski, Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Source: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/24/14072753-2-marines-face-criminal-charges-for-allegedly-urinating-on-taliban-corpses?lite

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Lost That Loving Feeling? | Couples in Recovery

Simply put: you should be concerned if you are concerned?

The couples who reach a point of dissatisfaction with their romantic relationship that they find themselves considering the need for professional help, or selecting self-help titles such as ?Awakening To Your Soul Mate: A decision to be IN Love ?? have probably known for some time that something is wrong.

It?s generally safe to assume that something is amiss in your romantic relationship if your thoughts, feelings, and desires leave your longing for a real romantic connection.? For the couples that?ve lost the loving feeling, you can read it in their journal writings.

Mary?s Journal Entry:

??????????? ?I am lost.? I don?t know what happened to the closeness that Harry and I used to enjoy.? Could it be that we were young and immature and easily impressed by the excitement that came so spontaneously in our marriage?? Perhaps the kids have preoccupied too much of our time, love, and attention.? I miss my partner and long to see the excitement in his eyes when I walk into a room.? Nowadays, he seems disinterested in me. He ?politely? tolerates my questions about his work and social activities, but my interest in his life does not appear important to him anymore.? What is going on???

Journal entries of this type are common for romantic partners that have become aware, like Mary has, that something is missing in the relationship.? The alarm that is raised in them by what they?ve written may stimulate efforts to renew the bond, or renew the excitement, by planning a trip or scheduling a date night.

The same couple is likely to find that date night commitments all too frequently loose their fervor, and the memories of the romantic vacation have faded within a month of their return to the reality of career, home, and family.? They return to the demands of parenting or career challenges and find themselves once again on the treadmill of life.? Something causes one or the other of them to drift off in private thoughts.

A peak into Harry?s solitary thoughts finds him scheming about a new romance, and his reaction is one of terror.? Let?s do a little eavesdropping.

Harry?s private thoughts:

??????????? ?I need to get a grip of things.? My marriage is dull, boring, and an awful lot of work for very little return.? I don?t find Mary as attractive as I once did and my eyes are frequently wandering around looking for a younger and more mysterious woman to exchange a moment of innocent fanciful intrigue with.? I do not believe that I will ever have an affair ? I love Mary ? but life with her is not exciting and our relationship makes me feel old and undesirable.? I know I am not the young man I once was but this marriage is beginning to feel more and more like a prison than the romantic getaway.? I want and deserve to feel differently.

?Sally (a workplace project partner) makes me laugh and finds my insights amazing.? I feel more valuable to her than I do my own wife.? What is wrong with me? Maybe nothing!? There is nothing wrong with wanting to feel important and desirable.? Besides, the relationship is harmless, she knows I am happily married ? I tell her all the time.? Nothing is every going to come of our attraction to each other, but why does her interest in me matter so much and why do I so thoroughly look forward to our time together??

Harry?s private thoughts are alarming to him but he?s been building quite an extensive system of rationalization and will eventually minimize his concern and silent the alarm until the wanderlust for romantic fantasy is satisfied or worse ? surfaces again with greater force.

Harry, like many partners in a struggling romance, is unhappy and looking for personal fulfillment and excitement. He may be finding it in what has come to be known as a ?work wife.?? There may be nothing sexual or overtly romantic that happens between work spouses for sometime ? or ever, but the risk of infidelity looms large for the partners that look for emotional mates at work or in their community service work.? If the work marriage does not result in a betrayal, there is still great potential for harm.? If meaningful communication and emotional intimacy is so very easy to accomplish with a colleague or social contact, then why work so hard on opening up to one?s spouse?

For many couples like Mary and Harry, the thought of betraying each other is frightening enough to cause one of them to begin reading books on relationships or searching the internet for couples counseling.? Some partners deal with the fear by driving the desire for a new romance into the deeper recesses of their being, along with the lack of fulfillment that they feel in their current relationship, and they just get busy with other things in life.

There are still others who are engaging in what they believe to be harmless flirtations. They will miss all the signs that indicate they are having an emotional affair by rationalizing that there is no harm in having intimate relationships with people other than one?s spouse or partner.? Or they decide that there can be no harm in having an emotionally intimate relationship with someone other than your romantic partner as long as you and your partner have an intimate bond that is mutually satisfying.

It?s not likely that a romantic or sexual affair is born out of a magical moment when two lonely throbbing hearts meet across a crowed room.? It may work that way in the movies, but in real life affairs are likely to occur after a sort of unspoken courtship period in which the prospective partners decide, supposedly by accident, to take their secret attraction to the next level.

The next snapshot reveals the progressive nature of the dissatisfaction and emptiness that can develop in a romance despite our efforts to avoid the truth.

Donna?s morning prayer:

??????????? ?Thank you God for the opportunity to wake up sober for yet another day.? I am so very grateful for all that I have been blessed with in recovery that I feel somewhat ashamed of myself that I am resentful that I have lost my friend and husband to his isolation and depression.? It has been so long since we were able to talk in an intimate way about subjects other than the children or the needs of our extended family members.? I feel so alone. I want what Doug and I had a couple of years ago;? I want to be safe and to be able to lean on each other for support and rely on each other as an accountability partner.? Please bring back the relationship and bond we once shared.?

People like Donna who struggle with permission to acknowledge the loss that they feel when they are emotionally distant from a romantic partner are likely to keep denying their needs until a betrayal occurs or a romance dies.

Some will be fearful of saying the words ?my spouse and I are in trouble? because they are worried that the acknowledgment of romantic problems will be admitting failure.? Other people will be bombarded by negative self-talk when they try to bring their concerns up to others because they will feel ashamed of being dissatisfied with their marriage when they have so many other blessings to be grateful for in recovery.

Now, let us turn up the volume so you can hear the conversation she has with herself shortly after completing the prayer above when the ?critical committee? inside Donna?s head challenges her for daring to speak the painful truth.

Donna?s self-talk:

??????????? ?What is the matter with you? You are so ungrateful!? Doug is a good man. Anyone that you know would be thrilled to have him as a spouse.? He works around the house as a full partner and is not concerned with doing what your friend?s husband?s call woman?s work.? Doug provides well for you and loves and cares for his kids in a way you only imagined a family behaving when you were a kid.? He is home every night, does not gamble and does not drink; and you would never ? ever have to be concerned about him being unfaithful.

?What is your problem? Are you not going to be satisfied until you drive him into the arms of another woman?? So he is not open and vulnerable with you and does not know the first thing about emotional intimacy.? So what!? You knew that going to the altar.? It was you that thought you were going to change him.? He did not mislead you.? YOU MADE YOUR BED, NOW LAY IN IT.?

Donna is repeatedly reassuring herself that she is not only wrong for feeling romantically unsatisfied, but she has only herself to blame for her situation evolving the way it has. Still, others will block out the unhappiness and concern with anger or denial of the need for a more emotionally intimate romantic relationship.? Regardless of your approach, it?s safe to say that there?s a real problem if you find yourself praying about it.

It?s wise to respond to the concerns that you or others raise about your romance, regardless of the way in which those concerns come into your awareness.? Try and refrain from comparing your relationship to those you see around you. ?Try also to refrain from comparing your relationship to memories of past relationships that you have experienced or observed.

Feel free to compare your relationship to the way that you would like it to be.

It?s all right to have great expectations for your relationship with your romantic partner.? Those who might claim that your discomfort is coming from your unreasonable expectations and are quick to tell you that you want too much from your romance are probably in a relationship that you?d find unattractive, or have spent years in their own unfulfilling relationship. Do not settle for less than honesty, openness, mutual support, respectful and loving treatment, intimate communication, being able to count on your partner ? if these are in fact the attributes you are looking for in your relationship.

Simply put, you should be concerned if you are concerned.? You should certainly be concerned if you?ve lost that loving feeling.


This article was written by John & Elaine Leadem, senior supervisors of the Leadem Counseling & Consulting offices in Toms River, NJ and East Brunswick, NJ. The content of this article is based on their soon to be published couples book from Leadem Counseling titled: Awakening To Your Soul Mate: A decision to be IN Love (Leadem & Leadem, 2013)

John and Elaine Leadem are licensed clinical social workers whose combined investment in the field of addiction treatment spans more than sixty years. Their commitment to helping recovering families has provided the core inspiration for the development of a "Shared Program of Recovery"? which has helped many couples move from the traditional parallel model of recovery to strong united core support group. They are both certified Sex Addiction Therapist and have co-developed a model for treating couples during the crisis stage of recovery. In addition to being the co-directors of Leadem Counseling & Consulting Services, Elaine and John are seasoned therapeutic retreat leaders in working with recovering couples. As a team they have thus far co-authored three books: In addition, John and Elaine are in the final stages of publishing their latest three masterpieces: Raising the Bottoms: A guide to training professional interventionists, An Ounce of Prevention: A Course in Relapse Prevention, A Shared Program of Recovery: A therapist guide to treating couples recovering from addiction.

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????Last reviewed: 24 Sep 2012

APA Reference
Leadem, J. (2012). Lost That Loving Feeling?. Psych Central. Retrieved on September 25, 2012, from http://blogs.psychcentral.com/couples/2012/09/lost-that-loving-feeling/


Source: http://blogs.psychcentral.com/couples/2012/09/lost-that-loving-feeling/

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