Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/RYujLq1emIg/
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/RYujLq1emIg/
Premier League, Premier Cru, Premier Inn, all names which exude class and distinction, but presumably have little traction in Samsung's home of Korea. It's there that the company has decided to re-brand the Galaxy Premier as the Galaxy Pop, marketing the smartphone in a variety of kid-friendly colors like gray and orange. Samsung's also dialing the CPU down from 1.4GHz, compared to the 1.5GHz chip we saw in the international version -- but otherwise remains the same handset we've already seen. It's priced at 700,000 won (around $645) and comes with a free flip cover thrown in.
Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile, Samsung
Via: Sammobile
Source: Samsung (Flickr)
Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/01/30/samsung-galaxy-pop/
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Contact: Tim Parsons
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
Just like a comic book super hero, you could say that the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD1) has a secret identity. Since its discovery in 1969, scientists believed SOD1's only role was to protect living cells against damage from free radicals. Now, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health have discovered that SOD1 protects cells by regulating cell energy and metabolism. The results of their research were published January 17, 2013, in the journal Cell.
Transforming oxygen to energy for growth is key to life for all living cells, which happens either through respiration or fermentation. When oxygen is plentiful, respiration normally takes over; however certain cells fail to respire in spite of abundant oxygen and instead ferment, leading to uncontrolled cell growtha hallmark of cancer.
Using the baker's yeast S. cerevisiae as well as a human cell line, researchers Valeria C. Culotta, PhD, and colleague Amit Reddi from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology determined that SOD1 transmits signals from oxygen and glucose to repress respiration. This signaling is accomplished through SOD1 protection of another enzyme known as casein kinase 1-gamma (CK1?), which is an important key to the switch between respiration and fermentation.
"SOD enzymes are present in virtually all living cells, from the most ancient bacteria to every cell in the human body," explained Culotta. "I've been telling my students to think of SOD1 as a superhero. It not only defends cells from damaging free radicals, but also has a secret life as a guardian of cell energy and metabolism."
"Our findings provide new clues as to how rapidly dividing cellsfrom yeast to human cancersmay escape the urge to respire and instead choose fermentation to promote rapid growth," said Culotta.
"SOD1 has long been recognized as an important enzyme in protection from oxidative stress, but this work establishes an important new function for the enzyme in cellular metabolism," said Vernon Anderson, PhD, of the National Institutes of Health's National Institute of General Medical Sciences, which partly funded the study. "The results provide important insight into how SOD1 and oxygen radicals push cellular energy metabolism towards fermentation, a feature of some disease states, including cancer."
"SOD1 Integrates Signals from Oxygen and Glucose to Repress Respiration" was written by Amit R. Reddi and Valeria C. Culotta.
The research was supported by the JHU National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences Center and from the National Institutes of Health grants GM050016 and GM093550.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Contact: Tim Parsons
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
Just like a comic book super hero, you could say that the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD1) has a secret identity. Since its discovery in 1969, scientists believed SOD1's only role was to protect living cells against damage from free radicals. Now, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health have discovered that SOD1 protects cells by regulating cell energy and metabolism. The results of their research were published January 17, 2013, in the journal Cell.
Transforming oxygen to energy for growth is key to life for all living cells, which happens either through respiration or fermentation. When oxygen is plentiful, respiration normally takes over; however certain cells fail to respire in spite of abundant oxygen and instead ferment, leading to uncontrolled cell growtha hallmark of cancer.
Using the baker's yeast S. cerevisiae as well as a human cell line, researchers Valeria C. Culotta, PhD, and colleague Amit Reddi from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology determined that SOD1 transmits signals from oxygen and glucose to repress respiration. This signaling is accomplished through SOD1 protection of another enzyme known as casein kinase 1-gamma (CK1?), which is an important key to the switch between respiration and fermentation.
"SOD enzymes are present in virtually all living cells, from the most ancient bacteria to every cell in the human body," explained Culotta. "I've been telling my students to think of SOD1 as a superhero. It not only defends cells from damaging free radicals, but also has a secret life as a guardian of cell energy and metabolism."
"Our findings provide new clues as to how rapidly dividing cellsfrom yeast to human cancersmay escape the urge to respire and instead choose fermentation to promote rapid growth," said Culotta.
"SOD1 has long been recognized as an important enzyme in protection from oxidative stress, but this work establishes an important new function for the enzyme in cellular metabolism," said Vernon Anderson, PhD, of the National Institutes of Health's National Institute of General Medical Sciences, which partly funded the study. "The results provide important insight into how SOD1 and oxygen radicals push cellular energy metabolism towards fermentation, a feature of some disease states, including cancer."
"SOD1 Integrates Signals from Oxygen and Glucose to Repress Respiration" was written by Amit R. Reddi and Valeria C. Culotta.
The research was supported by the JHU National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences Center and from the National Institutes of Health grants GM050016 and GM093550.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-01/jhub-ep012913.php
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Israeli Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz, fresh from a record-setting sale of Israeli bonds to investors in Florida, said on Monday that balancing the government budget will require "moderate but still significant" cuts to the defense sector.
In an exclusive interview with Reuters, Steinitz, a leading member of the weakened Likud party of hawkish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, also said there are no plans to further raise taxes in order to hit a deficit target of 3 percent of economic output.
Parliamentary elections last week returned Likud to the top spot in the 120-member assembly, albeit with 11 fewer seats.
One area "that we will have to make some moderate but still significant cuts is the defense budget, I assume. It is not easy but we did it in the past," Steinitz said during a stopover in New York before flying home.
Israel spends roughly 20 percent of its budget on defense. It has to find a way to close a 14-billion-shekel deficit.
Steinitz stuck with the 3.5 percent gross domestic product growth target this year, rising from 3.3 percent in 2012. He added that it would not be a surprise if economic growth touches 4 percent in 2014.
The debt-to-GDP ratio is expected to decline to somewhere in the 73-percent range, down from 74.1 percent in 2011, he said.
One main reason for expecting an economic rebound is the return of cheaper natural gas to power Israel's industry as the Tamar natural gas field off the Mediterranean coast comes online in April. Egypt stopped supplying cheap gas in early 2012.
Steinitz took the positive economic message to Boca Raton, Florida, on Sunday where he spoke at a fundraising dinner for Israel Bonds. The event pulled in a single-evening record $230 million in sales to retail investors and Israel supporters, he said.
Separately, Israel's government sold $2 billion worth of 10-year and 30-year U.S. dollar-denominated debt on Monday, albeit at moderate discounts.
Steinitz, a former philosophy professor, was upbeat about attracting potential coalition partners and said he expects to play a role in the next government.
"It is quite probable that I will maintain the current position. But it is also possible that I will have another capacity," he said.
Netanyahu's alliance with ultra-nationalists led by former Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman won 31 seats in the elections.
However Yair Lapid, a former talk show host who is left-of-center, led the Yesh Atid (There is a Future) party to second place with 19 seats.
Lapid's appeal reflects frustration among secular middle-class taxpayers resentful of shouldering what they see as the burden of welfare-dependent ultra-Orthodox, or Haredi, Jews exempt from military conscription.
Asked if helping trim the budget deficit will include cuts to Haredi welfare, Steinitz said: "We will consider this as well but as I said, I don't want to get into details."
He added that the Haredi recognize they can no longer avoid sharing in the defense and security burden that is a right-of-passage for every other Israeli who serve in the military before heading off to higher education.
Steinitz, who has been finance minister since April 2009, said Lapid and Naftali Bennett, leader of the far-right Jewish Home Party, have similar views on the economy.
These parties, Steinitz said, hold rational positions on how to deal with the economy and promote economic growth. "They understand you have to bake the cake before you can eat it," he said.
It is not clear if these parties would become members of a coalition government as Netanyahu, an obvious choice for prime minister, has not yet been asked to form a government by Israeli President Shimon Peres.
"It is difficult to say," Steinitz said of the Lapid and Bennett parties' participation. "It depends on their ability to compromise."
A new government is possible by late February or early March.
As for any Haredi participation, whose long-standing role as kingmakers in coalition negotiations has been downgraded, Steinitz said he did not know if they would participate.
"It depends mainly on their ability to compromise on things that are very dear to them. I assume that if they are ready to compromise they will be in. If not they will stay out."
(Reporting by Daniel Bases; Editing by Xavier Briand)
As a group of senators unveil their bipartisan proposal for immigration reform today and President Obama heads west this week to rally support for his own ideas, a separate bipartisan group of lawmakers in the House of Representatives is on the verge of finalizing its own designs for comprehensive immigration reform.
The discussions, which top aides close to the talks discussed on the condition that they not be identified, are described as "Washington's best-kept secret."
Last week, House Speaker John Boehner spilled the beans on the secret group, revealing that the lawmakers had been "meeting for three or four years now" and that they are almost ready to present their proposals publicly.
"They basically have an agreement. I've not seen the agreement. I don't know all the pitfalls, but it's, in my view, the right group of members," Boehner, R-Ohio, told the Ripon Society last week during remarks that were closed to the press, as first reported by The Hill. "My theory was that if these folks could work this out, it'd be a big step in the right direction."
Multiple sources say those involved in the talks include Democratic Reps. Xavier Becerra (California), Luis Gutierrez (Illinois), Zoe Lofgren (California), and Republican Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart (Florida), Sam Johnson (Texas) and John Carter (Texas). Spokespersons for each congressional office refused to confirm or deny their representative's participation in the talks on the record. Additional members have also participated, according to sources intimately involved in the talks.
The House's not-yet-finalized proposal is expected to address five general areas of immigration reform, according to aides close to the negotiations. Secure the border, implement a permanent E-verify system nationwide, reform the visa system, address the predicament of how to handle immigrants already in the country illegally in a "fair" and "legal manner" while determining how to handle those who have applied for legal immigration and are currently waiting in line, and reform the immigration system for future applicants.
"We don't want to create an advantage for people who came into the country illegally or overstayed visas while millions of others wait in line," one insider said. "We have to reform the legal immigration system so you have a system that people will go through rather than go around."
Sources said that the talks are so far along, there are draft proposals written into legislation language awaiting final approval before the plan is introduced in the House. One source hinted that the group's proposal could be unveiled in the days surrounding the president's State of the Union address, which is scheduled Feb. 12.
Although he would not confirm his personal participation in the talks, Diaz-Balart, the president of the Congressional Hispanic Conference, admitted that both political parties have used immigration as a campaign tool instead of working earnestly to address the problem. He said he wondered whether there are enough members willing to work across party lines "to solve an issue everybody knows is broken."
"The American people realize that the immigration system is broken, absolutely broken, from A to Z. The question is are we going to continue, knowing that it's broken, to ignore it or are we going to try to solve it? What you're seeing now is a true effort to fix what's broken," Diaz-Balart, R-Fla., said during a phone call Monday. "What I saw today in the Senate is encouraging, and in the House, pretty soon we'll be able to show a lot of work has been done."
The mysterious discussions have taken on an increased level of urgency now that President Obama has been sworn in for a second term in office. Last week, the president also met with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, including Becerra and Gutierrez, at the White House. During that meeting the president identified immigration reform as his top legislative priority. One source said if Congress fails to enact a comprehensive overhaul of the nation's immigration laws by the end of the year, it won't happen until after 2016 when there is a new president.
Lawmakers are considering "deferred adjudication," which would hold anyone accountable who entered the country illegally without kicking them out of the country. While the details are still being worked out, sources explained one proposal under consideration would require anyone who entered the country illegally to plead guilty before a federal court, pay a penalty and serve a probation-type sentence.
"We don't want anyone skipping line," another congressional aide close to the talks said. "If they broke the law, they have to pay a price."
The amount of the fine is among the final 'unclosed issues' as discussions near completion, aides say. Lawmakers are also attempting to settle how quickly to implement the e-verify system. While some lawmakers prefer to enforce the check within one year, others want to delay implementation for two years.
Democrat participants joined the group with the blessing of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and regularly updated her on the informal talks, according to a senior Democratic leadership aide. President Obama has also been aware of the secret discussions the past four years, one source added.
The effort has been ongoing for years with as many as 20 lawmakers involved in talks, but half of the members of the original working group left the House of Representatives after the last election, according to multiple sources. The group met at least once a week every week that the House was in session over the past two years. Sometimes members met up to three times per week, and never for less than an hour, making the success of keeping the meetings secret even more remarkable.
For a party that is anxiously trying to reshape its public perception after being defeated up and down the ballot last November, many top Republicans now appear ready to embrace politically gutsy changes to the law.
Ahead of the immigration blitz this week, former Republican vice president nominee Rep. Paul Ryan, who is not part of the working group, called immigration "a good thing."
"We're here because of immigration. That's what America is. It's a melting pot. We think this is good. We need to make sure it works," Ryan, R-Wis., said on "Meet the Press" Sunday. "There are Republicans and Democrats, many of us are talking to each other, that can come together with a good solution to make sure that this problem is fixed once and for all."
Still, there are some conservatives who warn that the Senate's proposal would amount to amnesty and encourage further illegal immigration.
"When you legalize those who are in the country illegally, it costs taxpayers millions of dollars, costs American workers thousands of jobs and encourages more illegal immigration," Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, wrote in a statement today. "By granting amnesty, the Senate proposal actually compounds the problem by encouraging more illegal immigration."
One of the House's most ardent advocates for strengthening border security, Rep. Steve King, said he has not been asked for any input and doubted its chances to produce an effective plan.
"If you want a particular result, appoint the people that will produce the result that you want," King, R-Iowa, said about the secret discussions during a phone call Monday. "I don't know when eight senators were smarter than 100, or a dozen members of the House were smarter than 435 members. Secret meetings reinforce the people inside the door and isolate folks outside of the door."
Also ReadContact: Nicole Fawcett
University of Michigan Health System
ANN ARBOR, Mich. When researchers sequence the RNA of cancer cells, they can compare it to normal cells and see where there is more RNA. That can help lead them to the gene or protein that might be triggering the cancer.
But other than spotting a few known instigators, what does it mean? Is there more RNA because it's synthesizing too quickly or because it's not degrading fast enough? What part of the biological equilibrium is off?
After more than a decade of work, researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center have developed a technique to help answer those questions.
The method involves a compound called bromouridine, which can be used to tag or label newly created RNA. Researchers apply the bromouridine for 30 minutes then isolate the RNA to see where the new RNA was made. They call this process Bru-Seq.
On the other hand, the researchers can follow up the bromouridine labeling with a rinse with the chemical uridine for different periods of time. They call this BruChase-Seq because the uridine chases away the newly made RNA so they can look at how the RNA ages over the course of one hour, two hours or six hours. In other words, is the RNA degrading like it's supposed to?
"We can see the whole pattern of all the RNA that's synthesized and all the RNA that's stable vs. degrading. We can sort it out in terms of synthesis and stability and see if a particular RNA is more stable in the cancer cell than the normal cell or if it is taking longer to degrade in the cancer cell than in the normal cell," says study author Mats Ljungman, Ph.D., associate professor of radiation oncology at the U-M Medical School.
"With our technique, we're adding 10-fold more depth to the picture of how genes are expressed," he adds.
Ljungman is part of the Cancer Center's new Translational Oncology Program, which brings together cancer researchers from across the University of Michigan to speed the translation of basic science into clinical trials and new treatment opportunities for patients.
The Cancer Center is currently using gene sequencing techniques to help match advanced cancer patients with potential clinical trial opportunities based on the make-up of their tumor.
In addition to helping with cancer sequencing, Ljungman sees potential for this new technique to help with identifying diseases such as diabetes or inflammation. In the paper describing the technique, published online in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers describe how they used it to understand an inflammatory response in cells. The researchers have also used the technique to test blood samples.
With a great deal more investigation, Ljungman envisions that one day the test could potentially be offered to people visiting their doctor as a way to monitor changes in the RNA.
"If something is significantly changed from one test to the next, it could be a red flag or an early warning sign of disease. That would be the broadest use of this technology," Ljungman says.
Additional U-M authors: Michelle T. Paulsen, Artur Veloso, Jayendra Prasad, Karan Bedi, Emily A. Ljungman, Ya-Chun Tsan, Ching-Wei Chang, Brendan Tarrier, Joseph G. Washburn, Robert Lyons, Daniel R. Robinson, Chandan Kuman-Sinha, Thomas E. Wilson
Funding: U-M Bioinformatics Program, U-M Bioinformatics Council, Will and Jeanne Caldwell Endowed Research Fund of the U-M Comprehensive Cancer Center, U-M School of Public Health, U.S. Department of Defense, Uniting Against Lung Cancer, U-M Nathan Shock Center, U-M Office of the Vice President of Research, National Cancer Institute grant 5R21CA150100, National Institute of Environmental Sciences grant 1R21ES020946, National Human Genome Research Institute grant 1R01HG006786
Disclosure: None
Reference: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1219192110
U-M Cancer AnswerLine, 800-865-1125
U-M Comprehensive Cancer Center, www.mcancer.org
Clinical trials at U-M, www.UMClinicalStudies.org/cancer
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Contact: Nicole Fawcett
University of Michigan Health System
ANN ARBOR, Mich. When researchers sequence the RNA of cancer cells, they can compare it to normal cells and see where there is more RNA. That can help lead them to the gene or protein that might be triggering the cancer.
But other than spotting a few known instigators, what does it mean? Is there more RNA because it's synthesizing too quickly or because it's not degrading fast enough? What part of the biological equilibrium is off?
After more than a decade of work, researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center have developed a technique to help answer those questions.
The method involves a compound called bromouridine, which can be used to tag or label newly created RNA. Researchers apply the bromouridine for 30 minutes then isolate the RNA to see where the new RNA was made. They call this process Bru-Seq.
On the other hand, the researchers can follow up the bromouridine labeling with a rinse with the chemical uridine for different periods of time. They call this BruChase-Seq because the uridine chases away the newly made RNA so they can look at how the RNA ages over the course of one hour, two hours or six hours. In other words, is the RNA degrading like it's supposed to?
"We can see the whole pattern of all the RNA that's synthesized and all the RNA that's stable vs. degrading. We can sort it out in terms of synthesis and stability and see if a particular RNA is more stable in the cancer cell than the normal cell or if it is taking longer to degrade in the cancer cell than in the normal cell," says study author Mats Ljungman, Ph.D., associate professor of radiation oncology at the U-M Medical School.
"With our technique, we're adding 10-fold more depth to the picture of how genes are expressed," he adds.
Ljungman is part of the Cancer Center's new Translational Oncology Program, which brings together cancer researchers from across the University of Michigan to speed the translation of basic science into clinical trials and new treatment opportunities for patients.
The Cancer Center is currently using gene sequencing techniques to help match advanced cancer patients with potential clinical trial opportunities based on the make-up of their tumor.
In addition to helping with cancer sequencing, Ljungman sees potential for this new technique to help with identifying diseases such as diabetes or inflammation. In the paper describing the technique, published online in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers describe how they used it to understand an inflammatory response in cells. The researchers have also used the technique to test blood samples.
With a great deal more investigation, Ljungman envisions that one day the test could potentially be offered to people visiting their doctor as a way to monitor changes in the RNA.
"If something is significantly changed from one test to the next, it could be a red flag or an early warning sign of disease. That would be the broadest use of this technology," Ljungman says.
Additional U-M authors: Michelle T. Paulsen, Artur Veloso, Jayendra Prasad, Karan Bedi, Emily A. Ljungman, Ya-Chun Tsan, Ching-Wei Chang, Brendan Tarrier, Joseph G. Washburn, Robert Lyons, Daniel R. Robinson, Chandan Kuman-Sinha, Thomas E. Wilson
Funding: U-M Bioinformatics Program, U-M Bioinformatics Council, Will and Jeanne Caldwell Endowed Research Fund of the U-M Comprehensive Cancer Center, U-M School of Public Health, U.S. Department of Defense, Uniting Against Lung Cancer, U-M Nathan Shock Center, U-M Office of the Vice President of Research, National Cancer Institute grant 5R21CA150100, National Institute of Environmental Sciences grant 1R21ES020946, National Human Genome Research Institute grant 1R01HG006786
Disclosure: None
Reference: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1219192110
U-M Cancer AnswerLine, 800-865-1125
U-M Comprehensive Cancer Center, www.mcancer.org
Clinical trials at U-M, www.UMClinicalStudies.org/cancer
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-01/uomh-nts012813.php
Chinese authorities are said to be reviewing a 12-year ban on game consoles in the country.
Seven Chinese ministries collectively banned the manufacture, sale and import of game consoles in 2000 due to fears over their potentially harmful impact on youth development, but an unnamed government source reportedly told China Daily that the law could be changed.
"We are reviewing the policy and have conducted some surveys and held discussions with other ministries on the possibility of opening up the game console market," they said. "However, since the ban was issued by seven ministries more than a decade ago, we will need approval from all parties to lift it.?
It has been speculated that, having already sensed a softening of the government's attitude towards game consoles, some of the markets key players are readying themselves for a rapid response to any policy change. Last June Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) set up a training, research and development arm in South China, and in November PS3 received a quality certification from a Chinese safety standards body. While the PlayStation firm wouldn?t comment directly on today?s report, SCE spokeswoman Yoshiko Uchiyama told Sky: "Our stance towards business in China has not changed. Of course, we acknowledge China as a promising market for our business, and we are always considering and preparing business opportunities and possibilities (in the country)."
Microsoft introduced Kinect to the Chinese mainland in October, although the product is only currently being used for non-gaming purposes such as medical treatment and education. However, Zhang Yaqin, chairman of the Microsoft Asia-Pacific Research and Development Group, has said the company hopes to launch Xbox in China ?as soon as possible".
Shares in Sony and Nintendo climbed following the publication of the China Daily report. According to Bloomberg, the PlayStation firm?s shares jumped 9.1 per cent in Tokyo trading to 1,407 yen, the highest since April 2012, while the Wii U maker?s rose 3.4 per cent to 9,630 yen in Osaka, the highest since December 7.
Source: http://www.gamesradar.com/china-could-end-12-year-game-console-ban/
Few aspects of flying are more dependable than the joy we get from paging through a?SkyMall catalog to check out the latest lineup of ultra-specific products we never knew we wanted so badly.
While some of the items on offer are backed by a good concept?the Magic Coaster aims to eliminate the middle man of a decanter by ?instantly aging and refining red wine??most are straight-out unnecessary. (Unless you really have a problem with unraveling paper towel rolls, in which case you?re welcome.)
Click through the gallery to check out 15 of the least crucial cooking, drinking, and dining gadgets on SkyMall right now.
Source: http://firstwefeast.com/laugh/15-ridiculous-skymall-food-and-drink-gadgets/
Written by: mlnaeurnj
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WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama will launch a campaign next week aimed at overhauling the nation's flawed immigration system and creating legal status for millions, as a bipartisan Senate group nears agreement on achieving the same goals.
The proposals from Obama and lawmakers will mark the start of what is expected to be a contentious and emotional process with deep political implications. Latino voters overwhelmingly backed Obama in the 2012 election, leaving Republicans grappling for a way to regain their standing with an increasingly powerful pool of voters.
The president will press his case for immigration changes during a trip to Las Vegas Tuesday. The Senate working group is also aiming to outline its proposals next week, according to a Senate aide.
Administration officials say Obama's second-term immigration push will be a continuation of the principles he outlined during his first four years in office but failed to act on. He is expected to revive his little-noticed 2011 immigration "blueprint," which calls for a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants that includes paying fines and back taxes; increased border security; mandatory penalties for businesses that employ unauthorized immigrants; and improvements to the legal immigration system, including giving green cards to high-skilled workers and lifting caps on legal immigration for the immediate family members of U.S. citizens.
"What has been absent in the time since he put those principles forward has been a willingness by Republicans, generally speaking, to move forward with comprehensive immigration reform," White House press secretary Jay Carney said. "What he hopes is that that dynamic has changed."
The political dynamic does appear to have shifted following the November election. Despite making little progress on immigration in his first term, Obama won more than 70 percent of the Latino vote, in part because of the conservative positions on immigration that Republican nominee Mitt Romney staked out during the GOP primary. Latino voters accounted for 10 percent of the electorate in November.
The president met privately Friday morning with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to discuss his next steps on immigration. Among those in the meeting was Rep. Linda Sanchez, D-Calif., who said Obama told lawmakers "immigration reform is his number one legislative priority."
That could bump back the president's efforts to seek legislation enacting stricter gun laws, another issue he has vowed to make a top second term priority.
The Senate immigration group is also pressing for quick action, aiming to draft a bill by March and pass legislation in their chamber by August, said the aide, who requested anonymity in order to discuss private deliberations. The Republican-controlled House would also need to pass the legislation before it went to the White House for the president's signature.
Senate lawmakers working on the immigration effort include Democrats Charles Schumer of New York, Dick Durbin of Illinois and Robert Menendez of New Jersey; and Republicans John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Marco Rubio of Florida, according to Senate aides.
Democrat Michael Bennet of Colorado, and Republicans Jeff Flake of Arizona and Mike Lee of Utah have also been involved. It's not clear whether all those involved will sign on to the principles the group hopes to roll out next week.
Those principles are expected to include a process toward legalizing the status of unauthorized immigrants already in the country; border security; verification measures for employers hiring workers and ways for more temporary workers to be admitted into the country.
It's unclear whether the group will back the pathway to full citizenship that the president is seeking. Schumer and Graham have previously supported requiring illegal immigrants to admit they broke the law, perform community service, pay fines and back taxes, pass background checks and learn English before going to the back of the line of immigrants already in the system in order to legalize their immigration status.
Several of the senators negotiating the immigration principles are veterans of the failed comprehensive immigration reform effort under then-President George W. Bush. That process collapsed in 2007 when it came up well-short of the needed votes in the Senate, a bitter outcome for Bush and the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, the Democrats' leader on the legislation.
Some Republicans still lament that result as a missed opportunity for the party that could have set the GOP on a different path to reach more Latino voters.
Rubio is a relative newcomer to Senate negotiations on the issue, but he's seen as a rising star in his party and a potential 2016 presidential candidate. As a charismatic young Hispanic leader his proposals on immigration have attracted wide notice in recent weeks. And as a conservative favorite, unlike McCain or Graham, his stamp of approval could be critical to drawing in other conservative lawmakers.
A Republican aide said that Rubio has made clear in his interactions with the Senate group that he couldn't sign on to proposals that deviated from the principles he himself has been laying out in recent media interviews, including border security first, a guest-worker program, more visas for high-tech workers and enforcement in the workplace.
As for the illegal immigrants already in the country, Rubio would have them pay a fine and back taxes, show they have not committed crimes, prove they've been in the country for some time and speak some English and apply for permanent residency. Ultimately citizenship too could be in reach but only after a process that doesn't nudge aside immigrants already in line, and Rubio hasn't provided details on how long it all might take.
Associated Press writer Luis Alonso Lugo contributed to this report.
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26 Jan 2013
Fear of public speaking is very widespread. Spend a few momemts asking the next questions to yourself, when you have been asked to provide a public speech or give a demonstration. By addressing these questions you?ll ensure that your speech content is focussed and highly relevant to your audience.1. What?s the Purpose of My Speech?Before you begin writing your speech or speech, you should think about why you have been asked to talk. What information or knowledge do you?ve that the event planner wants you to share? Be clear relating to this, as it is critical in making sure your speech content is relevant.Find right out of the planner exactly what they are trying to find. For example, can it be a conventional business display meant to convey some particular information to your market? Or perhaps it is less elegant and intended just as entertainment.2. Who Is My Audience?Another important issue. You have to invest enough time and find out just who your audience are. A fascinating and amusing conversation to 1 market could be complicated and boring to another. Is your audience young or old, are they new to the topic, experienced inside their subject or complete professionals? Can they be there voluntarily or involuntarily? What?re their expectations of your speech? What do they want to escape of it?Your speech must be designed to accommodate their expectations and interests. Know what kind of language your audience uses and tailor your own terms to complement theirs. That way they will feel you?re actually speaking with them.Try to sort out your audience?s needs and interests, and target your talk to meet up these needs. For instance, do your market need to completely understand a new subject by the end of your presentation?3. What?re My Objectives From The Speech?If you are clear about this from the start, it will help you create your presentation in ways that obviously leads to an excellent effect for you.Of program, you should be thinking about your audience and focusing on their needs and objectives. However you must have targets also. It may be to truly get your audience to register to a brand new plan you are providing? Or to entertain and amuse your audience, for instance at a marriage? Do you want to provoke thought and discussion amongst your audience? Would you like to encourage or train your audience?You may even have a certain proactive approach at the conclusion of your presentation. Whatever your aim, write it down and maintain it in mind when you?re writing your speech ? you?re more prone to accomplish it.By answering these questions your fear of public speaking must minimize and you will have an excellent foundation to start writing the content of your speech.
See our website for more details about fear of public speaking
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North Korean leader Kim Jong Un convened top security and foreign affairs officials and ordered them to take "substantial and high-profile important state measures," state media said Sunday, indicating that he plans to push forward with a threat to explode a nuclear device in defiance of the United Nations.
The meeting of top officials led by Kim makes clear that he backs Pyongyang's defiant stance in protest of U.N. Security Council punishment for a December rocket launch. The dispatch in the official Korean Central News Agency did not say when the meeting took place.
Last week, the Security Council condemned North Korea's Dec. 12 launch of a long-range rocket as a violation of a ban against nuclear and missile activity. The council, including North Korea ally China, punished Pyongyang with more sanctions and ordered the regime to refrain from a nuclear test ? or face "significant action."
North Korea responded by rejecting the resolution and maintaining its right to launch a satellite into orbit as part of a peaceful civilian space program.
It also warned that it would keep developing rockets and testing nuclear devices to counter what it sees as U.S. hostility. A rare statement was issued Thursday by the powerful National Defense Commission, the top governing body led by Kim.
North Korea cites a U.S. military threat in the region as a key reason behind its drive to build nuclear weapons. The two countries fought on opposite sides of the Korean War, which ended after three years in 1953 with an armistice, not a peace treaty. The U.S.-led U.N. Command mans the Demilitarized Zone dividing the two Koreas, and Washington stations more than 28,000 troops in South Korea to protect its ally.
North Korea is estimated to have enough weaponized plutonium for four to eight bombs, according to American nuclear scientist Siegfried Hecker, who visited the country's nuclear complex northwest of Pyongyang in November 2010.
However, it is not known whether North Korean scientists have found a way to build nuclear warheads small enough to mount on a long-range missile.
Experts say regular tests are needed to perfect the technique, and another atomic test could take the country closer to its goal of building a warhead that can be mounted on a missile designed to strike the United States. North Korea has carried out two nuclear tests, in 2006 and 2009.
South Korean defense officials say North Korea is technically ready to conduct a nuclear test in a matter of days.
Satellite photos taken Wednesday show that over the past month, roads have been kept clear of snow and that North Koreans may have been sealing the tunnel into a mountainside where a nuclear device would be detonated.
Analysis of the images of the Punggye-ri site was provided Friday to The Associated Press by 38 North, the website of the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.
The U.S., South Korea and other countries have warned North Korea not to go ahead with a nuclear test, saying that would only deepen the country's international isolation.
After meeting with Chinese officials Friday, U.S. envoy for North Korea Glyn Davies said a nuclear test would set back efforts to restart regional talks on the North's nuclear disarmament.
Source: http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/north-korean-leader-vows-strong-action-18325875
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Prahran, Victoria -- (SBWIRE) -- 01/25/2013 -- For business and property owners, the decision to sell or lease their properties can be difficult. Many obstacles stand in their way, like market forces keeping prices low, and real estate agents and business brokers taking a significant percentage for advertising and administrating the sale. Luckily for Australians, a third way is soon to enter the marketplace when For Sale For Lease launches in February. The site promises to help owners sell and lease online for a fraction of the cost of agents and brokers.
The site will also include payment management for owners and communications interfaces between owners and buyers & leasers, enabling the whole sale or lease process to take place through the website, with just a few clicks. The listings will all be for sale by owner and for lease by owner, with no middle men; a distinct advantage for buyers and leasers too.
For Sale For Lease offers a variety of packages, allowing clients the option of paying up front with a monthly subscription, or until sold at a single, flat rate.
The company is looking to launch its website officially in February, and has set on a new General Manager in Lucas Raby, who has already hired two more customer support staff to make clear the business? priority on impeccable customer service and ensuring that everything possible is being done to enable business and property owners to sell and lease their properties with ease.
The spokesman for For Sale For Lease explained, ?The new staff are already making an impact behind the scenes as we gear up for the launch, and our infrastructure is looking to be as streamlined, intuitive and effective as possible for when clients can join us to sell or lease properties and businesses. They can look forward to unparalleled syndication across Australia?s network of listing portals and effortless payment management options that will beat the real estate agents and business brokers hands down. If I want to sell my house, I know I?ll be using For Sale For Lease.?
About For Sale For Lease
For Sale For Lease provide a platform that helps home owners, property investors and business owners to sell and lease their properties or businesses online rather than having to go through a Real Estate Agent or Business Broker. They also enable clients to get greater exposure by publishing their property or business across all of the major real estate and business listing portals across Australia. For more information, please visit: http://forsaleforlease.com.au/
If you live anywhere within the northern two-thirds of the United States, you've probably noticed that it's pretty chilly outside. The plunge in temperatures over the past few days comes courtesy of an invasion of Arctic air that has been captured in a mesmerizing new animation from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
The animation, made with weather data from the NOAA/NCEP Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis, begins on Saturday (Jan. 19) with very cold air seen only over the Rockies, Montana, North Dakota, the northern half of Minnesota and the northern portions of New England. Much of the eastern and central parts of the country saw weekend weather that was balmier than usual for mid-January.
Thanks to a kink in the jet stream that brought it dipping down, the cold air begins plunging southward on Sunday, mostly in the northern plains states and the Midwest. On Monday it begins to surge even farther to the south, covering the Plains, the Midwest, the Northeast and even extending into some of the southern states.
The cold surge retreats a bit later in the day, then makes another push on Tuesday, fully extending into the northern parts of Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. The pattern repeats on Wednesday, with the cold receding much farther north later in the day, before making another southward push on Thursday.
All the back-and-forth is caused by diurnal cycle of heating and cooling, a NOAA statement explains, but "the pattern is clear: much of the U.S. is pretty cold," it notes.
The cold air is expected to retreat from the Midwest this weekend, letting warmer air force its way in, according to Accuweather.com. The collision of these air masses will bring an ice storm to the region, the site's meteorologists predict.
Snow and icy weather could hit the eastern United States starting tomorrow (Jan. 25), with temperatures finally rising above freezing over the weekend or early next week, depending on the location.
Reach Andrea Thompson at athompson@techmedianetwork.com and follow her on twitter @AndreaTOAP. Follow OurAmazingPlanet on Twitter?@OAPlanet. We're also on?Facebook?and Google+.
Copyright 2013 OurAmazingPlanet, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Source: http://news.yahoo.com/chilling-arctic-air-invasion-captured-animation-225601925.html
Associated Press Sports
updated 2:30 a.m. ET Jan. 24, 2013
CHICAGO (AP) - Sammy Sosa thinks he and fellow steroid-tainted star Mark McGwire belong in the Hall of Fame.
Slammin' Sammy also said the Chicago Cubs should retire his number, and he left open the possibility of running for president of the Dominican Republic during an interview Wednesday on the website Ustream.com.
Asked if he thinks he or McGwire belong in the Hall, Sosa said: "I think so."
"I'm not going to come here and say anything that is going to jeopardize my future," he added. "But definitely time will determine everything. Right now whatever it is, it is. I am not (somebody who) is going to go out there and say anything I don't want to say. I'm waiting for my time. ... I don't like controversy. Definitely time will determine everything."
Sosa, Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens were denied entry to the Hall of Fame in their first year of eligibility amid suspicions their accomplishments were boosted by performance-enhancing drugs. McGwire, 10th on the career home run list, received 16.9 percent of the vote on his seventh try, far short of the 75 percent needed for election.
Sosa, who finished with 609 home runs and ranks eighth on the all-time chart, received 12.5 percent of the vote. He was among those who tested positive in Major League Baseball's 2003 anonymous survey, The New York Times reported in 2009. He told a congressional committee in 2005 that he never took illegal performance-enhancing drugs.
Meanwhile, Cubs chairman Tom Ricketts said at the team's fan convention last weekend that the club might try to re-establish a relationship with Sosa, who left on bad terms following the 2004 season. The organization had different ownership and management back then.
Sosa said he was aware of Ricketts' comments.
"They know where I am," he said. "If they want to find me, they have to call me. I'm always available."
Would he run for president of the Dominican Republic?
"You never know," Sosa said.
? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
More newsChristian Petersen / Getty ImagesHBT: Atlanta acquires Justin Upton and Chris Johnson for Martin Prado, Randall Delgado, shortstop prospect Nick Ahmed and starting pitcher Zeke Spruill to Arizona.
Christian Petersen / Getty Images file??With a roster reconstruction capped by the long-in-the-works departure of Justin Upton, Diamondback general manager Kevin Towers has placed the pressure squarely on himself ? and in turn, manager Kirk Gibson.
Source: http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/50568362/ns/sports-baseball/
Serbia's Novak Djokovic hits a backhand return to Spain's David Ferrer during their semifinal match at the Australian Open tennis championship in Melbourne, Australia, Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)
Serbia's Novak Djokovic hits a backhand return to Spain's David Ferrer during their semifinal match at the Australian Open tennis championship in Melbourne, Australia, Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)
Serbia's Novak Djokovic reacts during his semifinal match against Spain's David Ferrer at the Australian Open tennis championship in Melbourne, Australia, Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013. (AP Photo/Andrew Brownbill)
Spain's David Ferrer serves to Serbia's Novak Djokovic during their semifinal match at the Australian Open tennis championship in Melbourne, Australia, Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)
MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) ? Two-time defending champion Novak Djokovic advanced to his third consecutive Australian Open final with a 6-2, 6-2, 6-1 win over No. 4-seeded David Ferrer on Thursday night.
The top-ranked Djokovic was in dominating form, hitting 30 crisp winners in the 1-hour, 29-minute match. He is aiming to be the first man in the Open era to win three consecutive Australian titles.
On Sunday, he'll meet the winner of Friday's semifinal between No. 2-ranked Roger Federer, a four-time Australian champion, and U.S. Open winner Andy Murray, who is ranked No. 3.
Djokovic, who is now unbeaten in five Grand Slam head-to-heads with Ferrer, allowed his opponent only four points in the first four games of the last set to strangle any chance of a comeback.
Associated PressSuper-small particles of silicon react with water to produce hydrogen almost instantaneously, according to University at Buffalo researchers.
In a series of experiments, the scientists created spherical silicon particles about 10 nanometers in diameter. When combined with water, these particles reacted to form silicic acid (a nontoxic byproduct) and hydrogen ? a potential source of energy for fuel cells.
The reaction didn't require any light, heat or electricity, and also created hydrogen about 150 times faster than similar reactions using silicon particles 100 nanometers wide, and 1,000 times faster than bulk silicon, according to the study.
The findings appeared online in Nano Letters on Jan. 14. The scientists were able to verify that the hydrogen they made was relatively pure by testing it successfully in a small fuel cell that powered a fan.
"When it comes to splitting water to produce hydrogen, nanosized silicon may be better than more obvious choices that people have studied for a while, such as aluminum," said researcher Mark T. Swihart, UB professor of chemical and biological engineering and director of the university's Strategic Strength in Integrated Nanostructured Systems.
"With further development, this technology could form the basis of a 'just add water' approach to generating hydrogen on demand," said researcher Paras Prasad, executive director of UB's Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics (ILPB) and a SUNY Distinguished Professor in UB's Departments of Chemistry, Physics, Electrical Engineering and Medicine. "The most practical application would be for portable energy sources."
Swihart and Prasad led the study, which was completed by UB scientists, some of whom have affiliations with Nanjing University in China or Korea University in South Korea. Folarin Erogbogbo, a research assistant professor in UB's ILPB and a UB PhD graduate, was first author.
The speed at which the 10-nanometer particles reacted with water surprised the researchers. In under a minute, these particles yielded more hydrogen than the 100-nanometer particles yielded in about 45 minutes. The maximum reaction rate for the 10-nanometer particles was about 150 times as fast.
Swihart said the discrepancy is due to geometry. As they react, the larger particles form nonspherical structures whose surfaces react with water less readily and less uniformly than the surfaces of the smaller, spherical particles, he said.
Though it takes significant energy and resources to produce the super-small silicon balls, the particles could help power portable devices in situations where water is available and portability is more important than low cost. Military operations and camping trips are two examples of such scenarios.
"It was previously unknown that we could generate hydrogen this rapidly from silicon, one of Earth's most abundant elements," Erogbogbo said. "Safe storage of hydrogen has been a difficult problem even though hydrogen is an excellent candidate for alternative energy, and one of the practical applications of our work would be supplying hydrogen for fuel cell power. It could be military vehicles or other portable applications that are near water."
"Perhaps instead of taking a gasoline or diesel generator and fuel tanks or large battery packs with me to the campsite (civilian or military) where water is available, I take a hydrogen fuel cell (much smaller and lighter than the generator) and some plastic cartridges of silicon nanopowder mixed with an activator," Swihart said, envisioning future applications. "Then I can power my satellite radio and telephone, GPS, laptop, lighting, etc. If I time things right, I might even be able to use excess heat generated from the reaction to warm up some water and make tea."
University at Buffalo: http://www.buffalo.edu
Thanks to University at Buffalo for this article.
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PASCAGOULA --?The dominant run by the Pascagoula girls soccer team continued on Tuesday night, as the Panthers drilled Brookhaven 8-0 in a Class 5A first-round playoff game at War Memorial Stadium.
The victory was the fifth straight by Pascagoula and 11th in 12 games by shutout. Kimberly Armstrong, Morgan Blalock and Natalie Lechner all scored three goals for the Panthers, who host West Jones on Saturday.
"We've been working on a lot of things, mainly defense, and the first thing I'm proud of is them not scoring a goal," first-year Pascagoula coach Travis Dickey said. "That's been an emphasis all year long. Once we did that, we had to fix scoring, and we did a really good job of that tonight."
Armstrong and Blalock both scored early to give Pascagoula (17-3) a 2-0 lead at the half. The twosome also scored early in the second half as the Panthers took control, and Lechner scored twice in a three-minute span to give Pascagoula a 6-0 lead.
The Panthers' last two goals came from Kayla Stennis and Courtney Lechner in the final 10 minutes. Armstrong now has 16 goals this season.
"I can't complain about the result," Dickey said. "We've got a tough game coming up on Saturday. But I think we're prepared for it at this point."
West Jones beat Bay 4-0 on Tuesday. The Mustangs eliminated Pascagoula in the first round of last year's playoffs.
Brookhaven ends its season at 8-8-1.
Source: http://blog.gulflive.com/mississippi-press-sports/2013/01/girls_soccer_pascagoula_shuts.html
Jan. 22, 2013 ? The kind?ness of humankind most likely devel?oped from our more sin?is?ter and self-serving ten?den?cies, accord?ing to Prince?ton Uni?ver?sity and Uni?ver?sity of Ari?zona research that sug?gests society's rules against self?ish?ness are rooted in the very exploita?tion they condemn.
The report in the jour?nal Evo?lu?tion pro?poses that altru?ism -- society's pro?tec?tion of resources and the col?lec?tive good by pun?ish?ing "cheaters" -- did not develop as a reac?tion to avarice. Instead, com?mu?nal dis?avowal of greed orig?i?nated when com?pet?ing self?ish indi?vid?u?als sought to con?trol and can?cel out one another. Over time, the direct efforts of the dom?i?nant fat cats to con?tain a few com?peti?tors evolved into a community-wide desire to guard its own well-being.
The study authors pro?pose that a sys?tem of greed dom?i?nat?ing greed was sim?ply eas?ier for our human ances?tors to man?age. In this way, the work chal?lenges dom?i?nant the?o?ries that self?ish and altru?is?tic social arrange?ments formed inde?pen?dently -- instead the two struc?tures stand as evo?lu?tion?ary phases of group inter?ac?tion, the researchers write.
Sec?ond author Andrew Gallup, a for?mer Prince?ton post?doc?toral researcher in ecol?ogy and evo?lu?tion?ary biol?ogy now a vis?it?ing assis?tant pro?fes?sor of psy?chol?ogy at Bard Col?lege, worked with first author Omar Eldakar, a for?mer Ari?zona post?doc?toral fel?low now a vis?it?ing assis?tant pro?fes?sor of biol?ogy at Ober?lin Col?lege, and William Driscoll, an ecol?ogy and evo?lu?tion?ary biol?ogy doc?toral stu?dent at Arizona.
To test their hypoth?e?sis, the researchers con?structed a sim?u?la?tion model that gauged how a com?mu?nity with?stands a sys?tem built on altru?is?tic pun?ish?ment, or selfish-on-selfish pun?ish?ment. The authors found that altru?ism demands a lot of ini?tial expen?di?ture for the group -- in terms of com?mu?nal time, resources and risk of reprisal from the pun?ished -- as well as advanced lev?els of cog?ni?tion and cooperation.
On the other hand, a con?struct in which a few prof?li?gate play?ers keep like-minded indi?vid?u?als in check involves only those mem?bers of the com?mu?nity -- every?one else can pas?sively enjoy the ben?e?fits of fewer peo?ple tak?ing more than their share. At the same time, the reign?ing indi?vid?u?als enjoy uncon?tested spoils and, in some cases, reverence.
Social orders main?tained by those who bend the rules play out in nature and human his?tory, the authors note: Tree wasps that police hives to make sure that no mem?ber other than the queen lays eggs will often lay illicit eggs them?selves. Can?cer cells will pre?vent other tumors from form?ing. Medieval knights would pil?lage the same civil?ians they read?ily defended from invaders, while neigh?bor?hoods ruled by the Ital?ian Mafia tra?di?tion?ally had the low?est lev?els of crime.
What comes from these arrange?ments, the researchers con?clude, is a sense of order and equal?ity that the group even?tu?ally takes upon itself to enforce, thus giv?ing rise to altruism.
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Princeton University. The original article was written by Mor?gan Kelly.
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Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/9pnyaww_fyE/130122143105.htm
Are you feeling overwhelmed with the amount of sales calls to make, prospecting to do, admin to catch up on, proposals to complete? Join? the club! There are many people out there who are in despair, not knowing what to do first, second or last.
Firstly, know it?s fine to have too much on your plate ? as the saying goes, it happens! Think about it for a moment. Would you prefer to be sitting there with nothing to do? (Don?t answer that!) What you need to have is a process of dealing with the overwhelm. It?s not going to go away?having a focused plan of action to deal with it is the only way you will progress.
So what can you do when there?s simply too much to do and you don?t know where to start? Here are some suggestions:
1.?Write a list. This may seem obvious, but the fact is that many things overwhelm us because they are in our minds, not on paper or on the screen. Write down or type up everything you need to do. If you work better with a pen in your hand, use a list on paper. If your outlook task manager helps you more, use that. This is critical, because a big part of overwhelm is the mental energy of constantly thinking of all the things you need to do. Once you?ve written it all down, it will release the need to remember, and the fear of forgetting, and a lot of the stress of dealing with things will melt away.
2. Analyse combinations. Are there any tasks that can be done simultaneously or more efficiently if they are grouped together? Maybe you can write all your emails and make all your phone calls at the same time. What about filing and mail? Make the first group by putting the number 1 next to each item that can be grouped together.
Then make the next group and put a number 2 next to each item in that group. Keep repeating until the entire grouping is down. Now put a number next to each remaining items. This will tell you how many real actions you need to take. This often gives you even more relief since there is less to do then when you first wrote everything down.
3. Recognise things that will make you money. Put the emphasis on ?money-gaining? items, things that will bring in profits for your business over the next month, quarter or campaign.
4. Emphasise things that are urgent. Some things will need to be done today, tomorrow or this week. Spend time on those things.
5. Prioritise based on results you will get. Some of those items may seem to be urgent, but most of them will be important too. De-emphasise the urgency if you can and work on the important.
Remember, overwhelm is really a state of mind. When you plan the order and significance of what you need to do and write it all down, you?ll find any overwhelm will start to dissipate and you?ll be more in control of what needs to be done.
Happy Selling!
Sean McPheat
Managing Director
MTD Sales Training
(Image by D Dpavumba at FreeDigitalPhotos.net)
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Sean McPheat is a bestselling author and MD of international training firm MTD Sales Training, who have delivered training, coaching and consultancy to over 2,500 different organisations and over 50,000 staff from 23 different countries. Sean is regarded as a thought leader on modern day selling and business improvement, and has been featured on CNN, ITV, BBC, SKY, Forbes, Arena Magazine with over 250 other media credits to his name. Sean?s Sales Blog is visited by 5,000 people every week and over 60,000 managers and sales professionals across the world receive Sean's weekly email tips.